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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • There is an entire universe of difference between the government telling you you can’t say something and arresting and/or disappearing you if you ignore them, and privately owned museums, exhibit halls, or online platforms refusing to do business with you if you say something stupid in public that harms people’s perceptions of you. You’re absolutely free to spout every hot take and conspiracy theory you want (there’s certainly no shortage of people who do), but nobody is obligated to respect you or do business with you if you do. What’s not going to happen is an FBI agent or cop coming around to “have a chat” and if you refuse to publicly retract your statements then quietly sending you off to some gulag without telling anyone where you’ll be worked to death and then your organs harvested and sold. That’s the difference between “the West” and China.

  • This is just the start, they’ll be dealing with this shit for decades now. This was an incredibly predictable outcome. They attempted to murder or drive out all the Palestinians living in gaza and the west bank as if that would solve any problems. All they’ve done is provided fresh atrocities for the terrorist groups to use as justification when recruiting on top of providing fresh waves of refugees primed to want to lash out. Even if they successfully murdered every last man, woman, and child living in gaza and the west bank they would still be facing terrorist attacks from their neighbors.

  • I’ll say the same thing I said when this was posted to news, nobody gives a shit what neo-nazis think about anything. Their opinions are less than useless.

    If they’re not doing anything kick them out of anywhere they show up and then ignore them. If they start something beat their ass and put them in jail. There’s never any reason to talk to them, you’re just providing legitimacy to them that they don’t deserve if you do that. They’re ambulatory excrement and they should be treated like it.

  • There’s also Russian style propaganda which isn’t really about sending any specific message but more about sowing chaos. It’s about blasting people with so much contradictory information that they become overwhelmed and exhausted and just give up trying to pay attention to anything. To say it a different way it’s about lowering the signal to noise ratio to the point where most people lose the signal.

    China tends to favor targeted disinformation, they tightly control what people hear and have specific messages they push. Russia just tries to scream incoherent gibberish where nobody can hold a conversation anymore.