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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I wouldn’t say everyone, at least. The vote was actually very close, which I think is something most of us forget at this point.

    They used the wrong kind of referendum given the seriousness of the question, it should have required a significant majority consensus, instead it was just a “who got more votes even if it just one more”.

    The results showed a deeply divided nation, and we still are. Some brexiters do regret their terrible decision, but I don’t forgive them. There was ample information, experts, everything showing what a terrible disastrous idea Brexit was, and they voted for it anyway.

    This wasn’t some shades of grey issue, it was surprisingly black and white for once, haha. Which makes it all the more strange that so many people still voted to deeply damage the nation and their own futures.

    Oh, and one other point just because I think we often forget, the referendum wasn’t at all binding. The government could have simply said “We’ve taken your thoughts into consideration but decided to do what’s best for the country and stay in the EU, even if this will hurt our political careers. Our duty is to the nation, above even our own careers”.

    They…did not say that :-( Instead they got theirs, at all our expenses.

  • You’re talking about God (such as the god of Islam and Catholicism, which is the same god) and gods, as in the concept of a god, which encompasses sun gods, Aztec gods, etc etc.

    Usually I find how you capitalise matters here. God with a capital is a name, and talking about the “God” most people talk about.

    A god, on the other hand, well you get the idea.

    Anyway in this case we’re talking about the god of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, etc. This god is the same god, and in English we would call that god “God”. Allah is that god’s name in another language. But it’s the same deity.

  • Damn, I didn’t realise Putin was a Tory, their rule for over a decade has been a very significant driver of our woes.

    Though it’s important to note that what the other user said is very true, this is a multifaceted issue.

    Still, from where I’m sat, we can start improving things by freeing ourselves from the Tories, and if possible burying their evil “Let’s just make the rich richer” political party for good.

  • Usually it’s the Americans who think they’re the entire world, calling them out on it sometimes feels like I’m just targeting them. But this is a good example of the same thing from a different country, and I’m pointing it out in fairness :-P

    The country the article is about should be in the title, because otherwise it’s just confusing clickbait. Without actually tapping the thumbnail and seeing what comes up, just going from the title, how do I know if this news is about the UK, or what?

    How we share news must be informative from the get go. Sharing world news is vital, keeping abreast of the important goings on around the globe, but we need up front context provided to at least narrow it down by country.

    Anyway, this is good news! Electronic cigarettes should never be sold to kids, that’s wild :-(