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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You’re a “patron of a crafter”? I’m unaware of any transactional element to this situation, and if there is no money changing hands, then you’re selling yourself short. You, as much as anyone at the table, per se, are just as much an equal contributor to the game itself and your individual enjoyment of such, with just as much a say in how that comes about.

    In a perfect world, you should be able to bring this up with the group and be recognized for the courage and trust in their friendship (much less, the maturity) it takes to do so. If that’s not how it shakes out, the table clearly isn’t for you and you’d be better off continuing your search for a game worth your time & effort.

    If, after all this, the DM is paid for their time? Get a fuckin’ refund.

  • Over the years, I’ve had many friends work for WotC in various tiers, including exec level, and all of them have stories that run in a similar vein: the corp leadership would have very little against being the white tower that sells the whole of its warded domain to the highest bidder, if the price is right. Hell, even the execs in the 00s joked about calling the main hub “The White Tower”.

    Fuck WotC into the mud and leave it to drown in the puddle.