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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Foreign policy is always about power, end of story.

    America has been trying to remove itself from the ME, or at least significantly shrink it’s footprint, without leaving a power vacuum for Iran to fill. The plan was to have KSA and Israel fill that void instead, along with Turkey.

    Morality and principles only directly impact foreign policy decisions if they impact the domestic political calculus. For example, if MBS believed moving forward with the Israeli partnership would result in him losing power.

    This is not reflective of my own feelings or values. It’s just a neutral observation and assessment of the situation.

  • You’re not wrong, but maybe you’ve noticed that whenever any country announces they’ve arrested a spy, or foreign intelligence asset, the country they’re accused of spying for always, without fail, denounces it as political persecution and denies the allegations of spying.

    So…while there’s recent precedent for political detentions of citizens under false pretense of spying, it’s not like it’s that hard to believe they were a spy.

    The only real evidence we have that they aren’t a spy is that they weren’t summarily, and quietly, executed.

    We’ll just have to wait and see how they proceed. Will they be used for a prisoner swap of detained Chinese intelligence assets? Or held indefinitely.

    Because indefinite detention probably means innocent of spying, and waiting to be used for a political bargaining tool.

  • No, that’s not what’s happening.

    Poor women and women in poor counties are used as baby ovens for the wealthy, or those with the means to rent their wombs. Which is why he specifically refers to it as the “commercialization”.

    He’s saying that’s exploitive and immoral as there as children waiting to be adopted. So instead of “renting” a poor women’s womb, adopt a child instead.

    Also, FWIW I’m pro-choice, but that doesn’t mean I should pretend everyone who thinks differently is evil.

    Opposing abortion isn’t always about a misogynistic need to control women. For some people it’s a genuine belief that life begins at conception, which is what Pope Francis appears to sincerely believe.

    That doesn’t extend to everyone, and I’d go so far as to say most of the Evangelical American pro-life movement are just reactionary hateful shitstains who are genuine misogynists that wouldn’t hesitate to get their mistress an abortion.

    Anyways, just my $0.02