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Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • Out of 500 cats and owners, only 30 completed the entire trial, shrinking the sample size considerably. Within that sample size, the cats showed clear preference for the box-like illusions over the controls. Still, to further cat cognition research, the paper recommends future studies only require owners to perform the experiment for one day (rather than six) to increase likelihood of completion.

    Wow that’s some next-level laziness exhibited by cat owners during the pandemic… You’d think being stuck inside would increase likelihood of completing the 6-day citizen science course.

  • “I always knew that there was risk of arrest because of the type of stories that I cover, but until it happens to you, you don’t understand the emotional and psychological impact that it has,” Ms. Morin said afterward, speaking to a group of reporters outside the police station. “And I think that it is a tactic that they use to send that message. To impede, to insult, discredit and to intimidate the media.”

    This statement hits, because it’s describing a traumatic event. Have you ever had a faceless gov’t agency decide you’re the enemy? Have you ever been treated like a criminal, despite no wrong doing? Have you ever known what was happening is wrong, but you’re helpless to stop it?

    It’s traumatic, and we all know that. Yet for decades it’s a long standing practice within law enforcement to arrest someone for merely “resisting arrest.” How can one resist an arrest, if the arrest should never have occurred? without an inciting event, it’s paradoxical in nature, and flatly absurd on its face. And yet, it continues.

    The phrase oft repeated is that these cops are just “bad apples,” or the exception, not the rule. But what’s left out is that the entirety of the phrase is “one bad apple spoils the bunch.” And boy, is our bunch spoiled.

  • distraction-based economy

    So true. More and more I’ve come to the realization that the ideal serving class is one that’s constantly distracted from their lives. You have a medium screen, a little screen, and a big screen, and the majority of us spend just about all day on them. The amount of ‘content’ to view and absorb is an ever growing behemoth that demands attention. You didn’t see the latest show/movie/tweet/tik-tok/sensationalized news story?? Then how are you going to relate to people who do??

    with the advent of streaming services, I used to say this was the golden age of television, but really we’re just reached peak content. It’s all bread and circus, except they discovered they don’t even need the bread anymore. They don’t need to pay you enough for you to be fed and entertained, now it’s just enough that you have a screen with access to wifi.

    A distracted worker doesn’t revolt. A distracted populace doesn’t concern themselves with the boring business of governing. A distracted nation doesn’t care about foundational societal issues like wealth inequality when there’s a new war every 6 months to have an opinion about. We’re so concerned with having an opinion that we forget to act on them.

    Now here comes old money with their new problem, there aren’t going to be enough people to take advantage of in the future! who will they spit on with contempt, throw nickles at, and pay with experience? have more babies! they demand. because how else can they endlessly grow their wealth (and opinion of themselves) when there isn’t endless people to take advantage of?

    Of course, all of us understand that endless growth of an organism destroys it’s host. Just like cancer, there’s just more and more of us, metastasized to ever region of the globe, into every niche pocket of despair we’re afforded by the circumstances of our birth. Our host is dying, and the ruling class says “keep growing, I’m not satisfied yet!” demanding we grow into our own destruction, solely for the ego of those who will be dead long before our collective death spiral concludes.

    I’m thinking of starting a go fund me for a series of billboards that say only this:

    “won’t someone rid us of these troublesome billionaires?”