Those eyes! Magnificent looking kitty😻
My mom’s work. She pumps those things out as fast as extended family can pump out babies. Lol
Hahaha! Amazing edit. Thank you❤️
His full name is Scooter Bug, because when he was a kitten he would incessantly bug the other cats. Here’s him as a kitten
No it’s pretty much all black or very dark brown when seen in direct sunlight. His skin is snow white though.
Hahaha. He’s just really stretched out. They are pretty standard length.
They love sun bathing out there. I got one of those window inserts that has a cat door built in and I cut a square out of the cage that lines up with the window so they can go out anytime they want. 😻
I see you have a treat puzzle. I’ve been thinking about getting one of those for my snowshoe. Does she enjoy it?
The snowshoe on the left
So with these dudes, everything was always calm and peaceful… Until one day Noki snuck outside while I was letting my cousins dog inside. When he came back a few hours later and I let him in, Scooter absolutely freaked out and attacked him. Chased him all through the house hissing and spitting. Had to keep them separated for a week or so and give them treats together to ease them into a shaky truce. Things have gotten better but there are still occasional spats for no reason. Cats gonna cat I guess.
Just one very relaxed stretchy boi
Lol. I think it was just a stray whisker, maybe from one of his brothers. He just wanted me to put my legs flat on the bed so he can lay between them. If my legs are up like that or crossed, he’ll come gently claw at them until I put them how he likes.
Sadly we had to re home the little guy 😢 We spent thousands on vet bills trying to figure out why he was peeing everywhere and picking on the senior cat Noki. After removing all his teeth due to stomatitis, things got better for a while but he started up again. The vet said there was nothing physically wrong with him, he was just overly territorial. I cried like a baby the day we went to drop him off and I miss him so much, but after he peed all over the third cat tree I’d bought in 6 months I just had to face the fact that he needed to be in a single cat household.