• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • “What the fuck? why is this spell trying to access your Patron directly? Theres no reason it cant run off your local mana reserves”

    “Wow I made the pact with the creature from the abyss to get my powers, and now it wants a monthly sacrifice in order to keep use them?”

    “How does a simple “create water” spell have a 15 second cast time? Is it doing something else in the background or were the glyphs written by a first year apprentice?”

    “Ah fuck how do I change the incantation for my spell again? Let me search the the orb real quick…”

  • You can deny it

    No, you really cant. You can do what you’re doing which is criticising the method and thats very fair, but the results are undeniable.

    Police have quotas on how many “gang members” they have to arrest to make him look good so they arrest random people to fulfill the quotas.

    Thats an unsubstantiated claim and the couple of reports thats based off claims its orders from specific regional police chiefs, not the government, you can argue his government should do a better job monitoring those things, but you cant pin that on him personally.

    He has been arresting thousands of people with zero evidence they are involved in gangs.

    This claim has more evidence but independent organisation (HRW and Cristosal) only had 200 complaints in the first couple months after 25,000 arrests (its difficult to find more recent figures). So even if we assume all those complaints are valid and those people were wrongfully arrested then thats <1% of arrests being innocent, which is pretty good honestly.

    he gets so much support because he’s “arresting the criminals” with so little pushback is scary

    Because you dont have the context. Its easy to think of it as scary when you live in a relatively peaceful developed country, but for the people actually from El Salvador that had to deal with extremely violent gangs that could murder you for basically any reason at any time with no consequence and a government that was making deals with those gangs to keep the citizens organised, its an incredible relief, and yes he is actually arresting criminals and massively reducing the homicide rate. The fact that any time he is brought up, even on that Youtube video you linked Salvadorian people come out universally in support of him and point out how your “journalist” can only go around the country making her documentary without being murdered is because his policies, just goes to show how much good his policies are doing.

    and again, dont get me wrong, im opposed to a lot of right wing populist policies and im against undemocratic dictators (which I think he is only on the borderline of) but human lives are more important to me than political principles.

  • I fully expect to get downvoted for this but as much as im anti-dictator (like any normal person) you cannot deny he has objectively been a good thing for the country so far. He has decimated the gangs which has caused a 70% decrease in the homicide rate, going from the highest in the world to the lowest in Latin America. And him being talked as a “dictator” isnt really accurate either. He was elected Mayor of the capital at fist, was extremely popular so ran for president and won, democratically, in a landslide. And his policies, specifically with that gangs has kept him at a mind-boggling 90% approval rating, making him the most popular leader of any country, and he is running for re-election fairly and democratically, because why would he even need to rig the results when hes so insanely popular?

    Yes there is Plenty you can criticise him for (being anti-aborition and anti-gay marriage for example) but in that regard he is no worse than any previous leader of the country.

  • This is the most braindead comment I’ve read in a while on here.

    1. This isn’t a lot of money for the EU.

    2. This will in no way shape or form affect your retirement.

    3. This is financial aid primarily for making sure Ukraine is able to continue to pay civil servants and other government employees, not for buying weapons.

    4. As above, this is to pay ordinary people, not the super richm

    5. I could be wrong on this one but I don’t think it’s expected to be paid back.