• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You’re absolutely right on one count - I was missing a zero (fixed). For that I apologize on behalf of their memory.

    However, the Holocaust is the accepted term for the genocide against the Jewish people. It is not the only genocide the Nazis carried out, such as that against the Sinti and Roma, but it was the largest in scale by far. These are factual statements, agreed on by all experts.

    For example, the Wikipedia article you cite reads:

    While the term Holocaust generally refers to the systematic mass-murder of the Jewish people in German-occupied Europe, the Nazis also murdered a large number of non-Jewish people

    I’m not sure how scholars calculate the number homosexual men who were killed, but I believe it does not include those who were killed because they were Jewish. It is apparently not well known how many lesbians or trans people were killed, although it is documented that they were sent to death camps.

  • You might ask why Iran would do this. As it turns out, sponsoring terror is an extremely cost effective form of international diplomacy. Instead of spending billions on defense to attack and intimidate regional rivals, the government of Iran can spend several orders of magnitude less, say a few hundred million in guns and cash for extremist groups.

    Iran doesn’t have to recruit or pay the soldiers, because someone else will do it for them; doesn’t have to finance or strategize an invasion, because the militants are already in the enemy’s territory; doesn’t have to face moral culpability on the world stage, because they can claim clean hands.

    This is not just ideological for Iran. It is simple dollars and cents (or rials). Persia is a 5000 year old civilization, and they are happy to gradually carve away at their enemies until there’s nothing left.