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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • The amount of anti-Russia comments on account of a known issue in competitive sports is disturbing. Does everything nowadays have to be about either “Russia bad” or “China bad”? Can’t it be about how exceptionally talented young people are pressured into doping because of ever increasing and often impossible to reach performance standards? I feel we have collectively lost a sense of measure in our response and have replaced a global outlook seeing global solutions to global problems with a nationalistic and sectarian us vs them attitude. And shudder to think that inside those countries it is exactly the same in reverse, possibly worse even.

  • Exactly. As a liberal myself I feel strongly about certain things and am all too aware of that supposition of moral superiority and self righteousness that have been very characteristic of western liberalism. In the meantime, many countries in the “free world” are inching closer to authoritarianism by the day. Sure, Putin bad, but leaving some room for nuance would go a long way. The idea that one need only get rid of “bad actors” is flawed. Especially when at the very same time western powers are enabling what more and more people see as genocide in another part of the world. And the country that has brought a case against that in court is South Africa, The world is changing, the global south is rising, China is rising, Russia is also seeking to extend its influence and global cooperation is needed more than ever.

  • I think you will do well to do with less certainties and interrogate the very essence of the concept of the “free world”, a term introduced in the Cold War to demonize communism and basically any challenge to US hegemony. Unfortunately todays polemical and self righteous western liberalism plays right into the hands of the alt-right and fascists in more ways than one. I personally worry more for what is happening in the West right now than what is happening in Russia/Ukraine, because the West is a lot more powerful and is itching for a larger military confrontation, while liberalism continues to fail more frequently back home except in minor wins on identity politics. In this climate I find it disturbing when people dig up Cold War terminology to creat camps and draw lines in the sand.