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Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • One of the greatest sources of fear - and thus hate - is ignorance. Generalised information about what gender-affirming care for younger people entails doesn’t violate any individual patient’s right to privacy, but it does help to clear up the disinformation. Those who don’t know what trans healthcare actually looks like will fill in the details with all kinds of imagined fears, and will make demands for legislation based on things that aren’t really happening.

  • I’m not completely convinced that Keir Starmer genuinely holds transphobic beliefs. His anger at Sunak’s mocking of trans people when Brianna Ghey’s mother was in the Commons gallery was not faked. He was literally shaking with rage, and not for his own sake, but for hers. I’ve been following PMQs for a couple of years now, don’t think I’ve ever seen him get that angry before. So there’s that.

    My suspicion is he’s saying what he thinks he needs to say in order to get elected, which… is a strategy. Not one that is particularly inspiring or admirable. One that comes with the very real risk of leading to LGBTQ and young voters staying home or voting Green or Lib Dem in protest. When I see reporting of Starmer making comments like this, it’s always when he’s talking to the Torygraph or Daily Heil, which says to me he’s playing to his audience.

    Still sucks, though. Knowing why he’s doing it doesn’t make it any less repulsive and hurtful. Still leaves me with a very real temptation to vote for some other party just out of spite, even though it would ultimately be self-defeating because then we’d be stuck with the Tories, who are definitely worse. It’s kind of depressing that there’s an awful lot of politicians that need to be punished at the ballot box, and we lack viable options to make both Labour and the Tories hurt.

  • Yep. I do reckon there’s a percentage of transphobes who are imagining hordes of men pretending to be women to get into women’s spaces, but genuinely do have no problem with actual trans people (even in women’s spaces. Even as a trans person, I think the belief that, for example, the small number of convicted rapists claiming a trans identity need to be far more closely scrutinised than someone with no history of acting in bad faith, is reasonable.) Now that Rowling is saying the quiet parts out loud, she becomes repulsive to that particular group.

  • Rowling overplayed her hand recently, I think. There’s a podcast I listen to every day, whose host I enjoy a lot, and most of his regular guests I like as well. One of them I’m not a fan of because she’s pretty transphobic… until Rowling attacked India Willoughby. That, it seems, was a step too far, because this previously rather transphobic lady was like “hang on a second, India Willoughby is a woman though”, and has settled into a new position of “there’s conversations that need to be had about prisons and sports, but otherwise trans people are not a threat and we need to be more tolerant”. This is someone who has, on occasions, induced such rage in me that I ended up yelling at the podcast, and her change of tack caught me completely by surprise. When Rowling has started frothing at the mouth so much that even other transphobes are rethinking their views, things feel a little less hopeless.

  • Personally I am increasingly uncomfortable feeling the “need” to apologize to regressive people about feeling hurt or insulted. They are entirely responsible for their actions.

    The “I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt” non-apology is always an option. It sounds like an apology, but it basically means “I’m sorry you suck” rather than apologising for doing something wrong. In most contexts, it’s an asshole thing to do because it’s a refusal to acknowledge that someone has a good reason to be hurt. When dealing with bigots, “I’m sorry you suck” is perhaps the most appropriate response.

  • This is my guess as well. And I think for female transphobes, a big part of it is internalised misogyny. On some level, they hate women, but can’t admit it because they are a woman, so they hate trans women (who they see as choosing to be women) and they hate trans men (who they see as also hating women and choosing not to be one). The reason I think this is an awful lot of female transphobes also seem to spend a lot of time judging other women for a lot of things: being too poor, too black, having too many children, not enough children, having too many partners, not enough partners, being a sex worker, having too high-powered a career, being insufficiently ambitious/aspirational. The only common factor appears to be hating all women who aren’t them.

  • With hindsight, what I think looks the worst, is learning that she would C&D anyone for not interpreting them “the right way”. That’s low.

    Yep! Especially since most of the people she was threatening were kids. I know there was at least one person, slightly older, who fought it and the matter went to court. I’ve always wondered what the judge thought, having to make a decision regarding an old lady suing a 20-something woman over fictional dragons being depicted in the “wrong” way. The fan won the case, probably because the whole thing was ridiculous.