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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My cat gets both with every meal. My understanding is that wet food is much more nutritious, if for no other reason than the moisture content. Fortunately my cat is pretty good about drinking water, but getting enough hydration can be a problem for some individuals. My cat will usually eat the wet food first, then snack on the dry food over the next few hours.

    I’ve watched family cats rack up huge vet bills and cause much heartache because they received improper nutrition; wet food may be way more expensive and inconvenient, but it’s a worthwhile investment (same as with humans!)

  • I’ve been to Singapore. You would have to pave every square inch of the island just store all the vehicles if everyone owned a car. The problem isn’t that cars are too expensive: it’s that the government pussy-footed around the issue and soft-banned vehicles through high fees rather than the more equitable approach of outright banning them for most private use. It’s like the saying: if the only punishment for breaking a law is a fine, then that law only applies to the poor.

    Being a dense city and tiny island, life would be much improved for everyone if vehicle ownership and use were limited to businesses/workers that can demonstrate a work-related need for a vehicle, taxis, and people with disabilities that prevent them from utilizing public transit and/or taxis.

  • I love Idaho. They’ve sacrificed themselves to become the perfect response when you’ve stumbled into a debate with a libertarian.

    (My favorite articles about Idaho are the ones where they interview a bunch of Idaho residents who moved there specifically for the lack of development restrictions and are now freaking out that their well is about to run dry or whatever because there were no restrictions in place to prevent overdevelopment and they’ve just found out there’s zero legal recourse available to them and oh yeah that twenty acre property up the hill just sold and is becoming 60 new five-bedroom houses.)