• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • So what’s your solution, let’s leave all Palestinians die of hunger?

    And again to reiterate, Hamas might have killed a bit less than 1000 civilians, but IDF has killed 20 times more. They are also responsible for the destruction of almost half the civilian infrastructure there, the destruction of civilian homes, agricultural land, mass starvation, has created dire humanitarian catastrophe, damaged hospitals, killed paramedics, kids, manage to turn this war the deadliest for journalists in modern history, committed numerous war crimes, are investigated by the ICJ for committing genocide, etc. and you still defend them?

    Shall we also mention that you managed to frustrate greatly even your closest ally the US, who is getting more annoyed with you by the day and now you are planning to attack Rafah, where more than half of the population of Gaza is sheltering, pushing them more to the abyss of despair.

    And these are indisputable FACTS.

  • Don’t forget the right wing protesters who are preventing humanitarian aid to reach Gaza, which the Israeli government does very little about.

    Seriously one would assume that since they are under investigation by the ICJ for committing of genocide in Gaza, Israeli authorities will be a little bit more concerned with their actions and public image, but they seem to act with impunity and believe they will get another pass by the western governments.

    We sanctioned the shit out of Russia and did absolutely nothing here.

  • How do you justify this? Seriously why is no one doing anything to stop Israel? How many innocent lives have to be lost to say something isn’t quite right with the war efforts of Israel?

    Edit: To those fervent supporters of Israel, who downvoted me, I am really curious to hear your take on this. How do you explain that the girl along with the paramedics sent to save her were killed, even though their “safe” passage was granted by the Israelian army? And what kind of a human being you are if you believe that this is OK?

  • Actually Nazism wouldn’t exist if the treaty of Versailles wasn’t so punishing Germany economically. The Nazi party got its supporters of disgruntled citizens with the current hardships. And mind you a lot of the initial support of the party was by regular citizens who were viewing them as the only way out of this spiral of despair. There are plenty of articles on the internet explaining exactly this in case you are interested.

    And guess what Israel is doing exactly now in both the West Bank and Gaza? Creating the same spiral of despair while calling themselves the good guys. And yes, Hamas probably also wouldn’t exist if Gazans and Palestinians were treated equally and with respect by Israel’s government. So like it or not the current status quo there only benefits the far right parties and Hamas.

    And guess what else, this war in Gaza won’t bring any peace to the region, peace can only be brought if both sides are making compromises and in good faith are trying to reach a mutually acceptable long term solution, which I don’t see happening anytime soon. That’s why so many countries are pushing Israel to seek a two state solution, because this is the only way to some kind of sustainable peace, which your far right government so fervently refuse, because you know they can keep pressing Palestinians, bare them from any basic human rights and dehumanize them in their medias.

    Because all these far right parties in Israel are toast without Hamas, they need an immediate threat to fuel the fear of their voters, the same way Hamas is toast without the far right government and parties in Israel.

  • On one hand you have this on the other hand El Salvador turned from one of the most dangerous countries in the region to one of the safest.

    They had a ramping gang problem and this president managed to reign the crime rings. But I don’t know what’s better to be honest. It is quite controversial but I don’t think that if he had decided to try it the lawful way it would have been successful either.

    I am not defending him, I am just pointing out that if he tried to try those people they could have bought their way out, through corruption, skillful lawyer, etc. and then the end effect wouldn’t be anywhere close to what they have now.

  • Lazzarini said the agency was operating in a “hostile” environment and it had faced new “restrictions” since Israel’s allegations were made public.

    He said an Israeli bank account belonging to UNRWA had been frozen and the agency had been warned that its tax benefits would be cancelled. Lazzarini added that a consignment of food aid from Turkey, including flour, chickpeas, rice, sugar and cooking oil, that would sustain 1.1 million people for a month had been blocked at the Israeli port of Ashdod.

    He claimed the contractor said the Israeli authorities had instructed the company not to move it or accept any payment from a Palestinian bank.

    Witch hunt anyone?