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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • As a barn cat owner, everything on that list goes down the cats. They are my cleanup crew. Especially chicken bones as I don’t trust the dogs with them.

    No cat has ever choked on bones or become sick from eating scraps. If there are things like onions, they just don’t eat them. In fact none of my cats have ever died of anything other than being eaten by coyotes or run over by trucks 😥

  • evranch@lemmy.catocats@lemmy.worldPspspsps
    5 months ago

    Also a winner is “get the fuck out of here, cat” never fails to encourage the cat to stay

    Hot tip for farm cat owners, putting masking tape on the back of a cat will not harm it but will prevent it from jumping up temporarily. This should be long enough to put the valve cover back on an engine without trapping the cat inside.

  • Unlike the Taliban, nobody cares about “defeating” the Houthis, though. Taking away their ability to harass shipping is all that matters, and that can be done by monitoring and bombing launch sites.

    If the USA didn’t care about the optics, they could just flatten the Houthi launch infrastructure tomorrow, then smack down anything that they tried to rebuild. Ballistic and cruise missiles are large and hard to hide, and they have to be imported from Iran.

    It’s not like Hamas with their homemade unguided rocket barrages into a populated area, ships are small and the ocean is huge. You need a decent missile to actually hit anything.

  • Thanks for sharing your experience, stranger. This is one of the reasons I like Lemmy though I do still hang out on Reddit, more serious discussion, less memes and trolling. Well… unless you count the front page, I guess.

    I can see the cliques issue being a big one especially if you were an outsider from a different community, and came in at the middle school level. That sounds brutal, honestly.

    My daughter is lucky to be young and already have friends in the school, girls she grew up and went to daycare and earlier grades with. They still hang out on weekends and chat with their kid messenger app all the time, so that’s a foot in the door for sure. In the school she goes to now, there is already bullying and violence so I figure it can’t really be worse. On the upside I guess it’s already made her tough, we put her in Taekwondo after school and she took to it like a fish to water, she’s a little scrapper and her kicks are really mean for a 9yo girl. She already wants to integrate her boxing skills into an MMA style and they’re like no, you can’t spar like that with the other kids as they aren’t expecting a right hook!

    The religion class issue sounds odd. It implies that those courses like CAD and coding are only available to those who give up the religious component? But those are premium courses that you would think they want their Catholic students to be able to take. Or am I misunderstanding the way it works?

    I grew up with some guys and had some other friends who went to Catholic schools and it seems their opinions were similar to yours. Either they loved it and made friends for life, or they hated it and felt excluded from groups. Nothing in between. However even those who hated it said the same thing looking back, they were glad that they went there for the future opportunities it gave them.

    The public school won’t allow an end of semester transfer out (probably because they lose the funding) so there’s plenty of time to confirm this is what I want for her before next school year, and I’m doing a lot of research and talking to a lot of people.

  • Yeah it’s… Pretty bad here. I used to be proud to be Canadian but when I look at what I wrote, it drives home how our country is just a shadow of the place I grew up in. The average Canadian is barely getting by, and quality of services is degrading rapidly.

    Sounds like you’re in Europe. I’ve often wondered what it would be like, if we could start a new life somewhere civilized.

    I’m electrician and electric motor systems technologist by certification, systems integrator, programmer, millwright and machinist by skillset, CTO is my current job title. Wife has degrees in physics and controls technology, used to work oilfield engineering, now teaches science and math at post-secondary level. Daughter is a 9yo Linux desktop user and Python programmer, deserves a better future than this country has to offer. Got her an Arduino robot kit for Christmas.

    Any market for people like us over there? I would love to abandon this sinking ship.

  • So here in Canada (at least on the Prairies) we’re lucky enough to have Catholic school as a publicly funded option. There would be no additional cost to me.

    The thing is my kid is doing great for now (grade 4) and I’ve taught her a ton of science, engineering and math from my own knowledge. She’s bright and engaged… At home. But the standard school system is trying their best to change that.

    In her class at school they are still counting blocks and doing 2-digit addition. And they need to do that, because there are kids in her class who can’t count. And can’t read! In grade 4!

    The teachers say she’s top of the class easily, but how do they quantify that, just that she seems smart? There is no scoring, no grades, no discipline. It’s nothing like school when I was young. There’s this little shit in her class that likes to scream so they gave everyone else earmuffs to use when he does. He’s not disabled or anything mind you - just a spoiled disruptive little shit.

    It’s a trash environment that’s hard on smart kids. I taught her how to box and also how nice girls only ever hurt someone by accident. So far she’s knocked out a kid who likes to push little girls down the stairs and took another bully’s teeth out. She told me “but they were gonna fall out anyways. It was an accident!” Good job, kid.

    More parents have been pulling their smart kids for the Catholic school and she lost 2 of her best friends there this year. Most of the other kids left aren’t really decent company… They are dumb as a load of rocks honestly. The selection pressure to the Catholic system and to private schools has taken its toll.

    So I went to visit the Catholic school to see what it was like and it was night and day. The kids were all lean, healthy looking and bright eyed. No fat kids. No scrubs. No screaming brats. No tablets or phones, at recess everyone was playing sports and games and laughing and smiling. Looks like the kind of company I want my daughter to grow up with, honestly.

    The principal was horrified to hear my stories from public school and promised that they teach kids individually with extra projects and enrichment for kids who are ahead. Which is great because often my daughter tells me she wants to just stay on the farm with me “Because there’s no point in going to school, I’ll learn more working with you”

    They have sports, they have clubs, everything from knitting and choir to lockpicking and hacking. They have a full band program and an entire supply of loaner instruments! A huge and well kept library full of mostly secular books. All the stuff that a school should have, but mostly it’s what it doesn’t have that I’m interested in. Otherwise she’s going to fall off the rails and spend her highschool days like I did - bored to death and getting into drugs, drinking and causing trouble.

    My wife teaches at a local college and is very concerned that the quality of incoming students seems to drop every year and yet their attitudes get more and more entitled. The Catholic district has won industry awards for their mentorship and job placement programs, the public district… Well… They don’t even have them.