I was waiting ages for someone to post this!
Still, better now than not at all, I suppose.
God if only I had the flexibility 😩
Valid; it’s often hard to convey tone across the internet, and what would be a quick clarification in person can easily be misconstrued. Thank you for your service in actively promoting a better understanding of queer history o7
I’m aware of the dogwhistle. At the same time, you do get a number of well-meaning young tumblrites getting swayed by terf talking points if they have only a surface-level understanding of the issues. People are complicated, and may be well read enough (see: have watched enough YouTubers) to know about the whole JK Rowling fiasco, but not enough to have a thorough understanding of all queer issues.
It’s an interesting article though; thank you for sharing!
tw: mild transphobia, JK Rowling
On a podcast, Rowling defined the word ‘woman’ as the ‘producer of the large gametes’ (large gametes referring to The Egg), which is obvs terfy as it’s attempting to reduce the category of ‘woman’ to the ability to produce eggs.
‘large gamete producer’ has since been taken up by terfs as a transphobic dogwhistle.
I had a mild hope it’d be an ironic username, but checked their Tumblr and the first post is digging up someone’s dead name, so yikes.
oops, all terf 😬
And what’s interesting is that the suffragists (Millicent Fawcett chief among them) were at the same time working to peacefully lobby for suffrage, and yet they are not remembered remotely as much as the suffragettes.
What I personally believe is that the more militant wings of movements work best when they are bringing into focus something that the public already broadly believes. When people say ‘I agree with their point, but not their methods’, they’re doing a whole lot of discussion of your issue, and agreeing with your message.
At the same time I think you do need the quiet lobbying to be done to effectively push for specific legislation. Both a carrot to offer government an easy path, and a stick to keep it in the public spotlight.
The suffragettes put acid in postboxes, chained themselves to railings, and bombed the Chancellor of the Exchecquer’s house.
Honestly; didn’t you read the definition? It says it’s too strong to be penetrated smh
Probably not:
Capable of being impregnated, as the egg of an animal, or the ovule of a plant.
Not to be stormed, or taken by assault; incapable of being subdued; able to resist attack; unconquerable. “an impregnable fortress; impregnable virtue.” Similar: unconquerable
Too strong to be penetrated. "
Me too (except for the girlfriend part, though I’m not entirely sure on that front)
But don’t forget the terrifying fear of intimacy and letting romance ruin a good friendship