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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I explicitly said that it’s not stealing.

    It’s an error in the evaluation of companies. The comparison to div/0 is a humouristic explanation of what happens. The worth is never divided. Even the owners are only capable in a lifetime to pull out enough money for themselves to use even a tiny fraction of the worth, close to zero percent of the totals. The money is simply multiplying faster than it can be divided. That’s the error.

    Ordinary people can’t survive by using only 0.00000001% of their income.

  • It’s a system fault. Nobody earns a billion. No matter how willing you are to screw over other people, a billion can not be earned. Even if you were stealing every cent from your dying grandmother and all the ophans in the world, you’d still have to actually do it. Nobody lives long enough to have time to steal all that money.

    It’s also meaningless to try to spend that amount of money. It makes no sense to even try.

    The money is multiplying by itself due to some error.

    I suppose we found out what happens when dividing by zero.

  • There’s a couple of good things about monarchs, even if they’re mostly useless since they don’t have any direct power.

    They can still influence people and society through a longer period and with longer lasting efforts than any elected person can in a four year election cycle. This way they’re able to provide a state with a steady course, vision, ideals or goals. Call it what you want; They’re long term influencers.

    The royal social circles are more exclusive than the business VIPs. Money doesn’t really count. This has a good effect on the VIPs, because they all want to be in that circle, but they can’t be if they’re blacklisted due to f.i. cheating on taxes, being involved with exploitation or fraud. Of course all kinds of exclusive and secret VIP trades are shady as fuck, but at least it is on the right side of the law when happening in the royal circles. Reputation is everything in the highest layer and not being invited to the castle can be pretty devastating for a business relying on these networks.

    Finally, it’s a cheap PR for tourism. Feeding one family to do the job for the entire country is a lot cheaper and more valuable than hiring a marketing department and all that crap. They get paid a lot, but most of it is used for upkeep on the castles and staffing, so the money comes back to the state and would be paid by the state anyway.

    So, when the queen decides to break with a tradition that has gone for almost a thousand years, she’s sending quite a signal: That the torch must be passed to the next generation.

    This is much needed in society currently where boomers are clinging to their positions even if they’re well above retirement age and completely unfit to do their jobs well due to age in comparison to the younger and better educated generations.

    Looking at the commonwealth, I can see why Elizabeth didn’t do this, but at the same time it’s also not ideal to crown a king at age 73. In the perspective of influencing a nation… I don’t have much hope for him to actually do anything useful in the remaining years of his reign. It’s a little late to begin anyway.

    • "whose role will be to ensure that the “political, regulatory and fiscal frameworks” in the Nordics “support Tesla’s mission.”

    LOL. Lets hire 1 person to change the politics in 4 countries to support a foreign private company…

    (Also… … The primary point in all the nordic models is that politics shouldn’t interfere in the labour market.)

    It’s ridiculously amusing to see the world’s richest man attempting to throw money at a problem that can’t be solved with money. I like it a lot.

  • Oh for sure, the russian shenanigans are real.

    It’s the xenophobia and reactions based on that which are totally useless. Illegal immigrants eventually show up somewhere inside a country whether or not there’s a wall and whether or not the politicians attempt to make a hard line. Police will encounter them eventually and they can take them to the immigration offices for clarification of their status.

    Patroling is necessary and domestic police needs to be on top of their job to handle it. It’s a job for policemen and border patrols. It’s not a job for politicians and it’s not necessary for ordinary citizens to be afraid of immigrants. However, certain politicians enjoy getting more votes from scared people, even if their hard line solutions don’t work and their fear mongering only makes the situation worse.

    I’m absolutely certain that the Finnish border control can handle this better without an expensive physical wall and without having a population living in artificial fear.

  • That is the news. That it is only two. The right wing party in Finland is hell bent on building a wall to stop the hoardes of illegal immigrants that are supposedly being bussed in by Putin.

    Now, there are all kinds of good reasons to watch this border closely after Finland joined NATO and Putin has promised to make trouble there, but illegal immigrants?? Those are a fictional threat.

    However, the same threat is being pushed by right wing parties in every European country. The threat originates from somewhere. Apparently, someone somewhere wants to push fake news about illegal immigration. It is fuel for fascism. It divides the population and creates patriotism that will hinder international collaboration.

    Who could be interested in that? That person is the real enemy.

    European countries shouldn’t spend resources on stopping illegal immigrants. European politicians shouldn’t spend time arguing over illegal immigration. We should be using our resources and time to figure out why so many people are needlessly afraid of immigrants.