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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • For the hearing, there is an Elf heritage that grants a bonus to perception when relying on hearing. They could also do something with hearing or smell as imprecise senses since most beast races get something like that.

    For playing as a Tiny creature, I’d recommend looking at how the toy Poppet handles it. Basically tiny creatures have shorter ranges (since a weapon that reached 5 feet into the neighbouring square would be unwieldy for them). That shouldn’t impact you very much as a caster though.

  • Spells: Soothe and…undecided because the builder only gives me True Strike as an option…? I think I should have other choices but I don’t know

    Every Psychic subclass has one forced spell choice at each spell rank. So True Strike is forced because you chose Infinite Eye. It’s okay because you’ll get more spell options as you go. Don’t feel obligated to use True Strike. It’s rarely going to be as good as other options since you aren’t focusing on damage.

    Soothe seems good enough for what I want but out of curiosity, are there other healing spells to pick up later?

    Yeah, the better version of Soothe is rank 2 Soothe, and then rank 3 Soothe, etc. I’d recommend you make Soothe your rank 1 Signature Spell. That way, you’ll be able to cast it at higher levels without needing to invest more spells known.

    The occult spell list doesn’t have as many HP heals as the divine spell list, but you only really need one as long as it can be upcasted. As you level up you’ll get access to other kinds of reactive and defensive spells which can cleanse debuffs off of your allies (eg. Lesser Restoration or whatever it’s called now with the remaster).

    Also worth noting that casting spells is a very suboptimal way of healing out of combat. Since you are going the route of the INT psychic, you should put a skill point in Medicine and focus on using Treat Wounds outside of combat for healing. Probably also grab Battle Medicine in order to have another healing option in combat.

    And do deities even matter outside of RP for non-Clerics? I couldn’t quite figure that out…

    Nope. Not unless your GM makes them matter.

  • It sounds to me like something with the occult spell list is ideal. A Bard is definitely a top pick since they are all around excellent supports. But they can also be a bit plain since every combat you just play a lingering composition and then avoid getting hit. That being said, I think you could definitely have a good time playing a Bard.

    I’ll offer a slightly different suggestion though which I think you might like: the Psychic. They use the occult spell list, so you will have access to Soothe for healing and plenty of solid utility, buff, and debuff spells. And they are a spontaneous caster which is a lot less bookkeeping. But they also are solid damage dealers with stronger cantrips and more varied focus spell options. You will usually have an interesting blaster option on your turn as well as a support option. There are even some subclasses which are wholly focused on being a support (The Infinite Eye being the most support focused subclass). You can pick either Intelligence or Charisma as your main stat, which means you can further support either by using recall knowledge if you go the path of INT, or demoralize, deception, and Bon Mot if you choose CHA.

  • Interesting. When you say “support”, can you unpack that a bit? There are a lot of different ways of being a support in PF2e. You can be a healer obviously or someone who has an aura that buffs stats. But support can also mean someone who nails the Recall Knowledge check and finds out the enemy’s secret weakness. Or supporting can be someone who intimidates the enemy or taunts them or even someone who attacks them (since tripping, grappling, shoving, and disarming all are considered attacks)

  • Follow-up on question 3: I wasn’t asking about video game mechanics. I’m asking what kind of characters you like. As in what kind of personality, what kind of choices they make, what a scene with that character feels like, etc. It doesn’t need to be traditional Western medieval fantasy if that’s not something you’ve experienced a lot of.

    A good TTRPG character starts not with mechanics but with a strong inspiration. Creating an RPG character is a creative act. Filling out the character sheet shouldn’t feel like paperwork, it should feel like exploring a real person. Pathfinder is a game about a team of heroes. What “team of heroes” media do you like and why do you like it? Who are your favourite heroes?

    Which character in Avatar the Last Airbender is your favourite? Which MCU superhero is your favourite? Which of the Teen Titans is the hottest and why is it Starfire? Which Star Trek character is your spirit animal?

    Moreover, and I alluded to this in the other post, but there isn’t really a “wrong” way to build a character in Pathfinder (as long as you take some basic steps like maxing out the primary stat). It’s only wrong if you don’t like playing them. So we should start with what kind of character you want to play.