AuDHD ♾️ Queer 💜 FOSS enthusiast 👩💻 anarcho-trotskiest 🏴🛠️ (actually just an antisectarian ecosocialist who is naive enough to believe in socialist unity)
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Joined 28 days ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2024
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Fuck Labor for stacking the vote and siding with the pigs. No corps, no cops at pride. Labor didn’t even participate in the consultations with cops about the proposal but voted as a block against the interests of queer people and in favour of the cops. Against entryism when it affects them but partake in entryism of queer orgs to protect their pro-corp pro-cop agenda. For those not keeping up: Labor is anti-queer, anti-worker, pro-genocide, pro-corp and climate accelerationist. They are little more than a second Liberal party.
Fuck Labor for stacking the vote and siding with the pigs. No corps, no cops at pride. Labor didn’t even participate in the consultations with cops about the proposal but voted as a block against the interests of queer people and in favour of the cops. Against entryism when it affects them but partake in entryism of queer orgs to protect their pro-corp pro-cop agenda. For those not keeping up: Labor is anti-queer, anti-worker, pro-genocide, pro-corp and climate accelerationist. They are little more than a second Liberal party.