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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • My poor late kitty could never fully retract her claws.

    As a kitten, she’d catch a claw on the carpet, somersault, and scream until I freed her. This continued through adult hood, minus the screaming. She’d just flop on her side and tug until she freed herself.

    She ended up with bad arthritis in her old age. I long expected she had some defect in her front claws, but she was an absolute disaster at the vets, so I never got a diagnosis.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldIsrael is starving Gaza
    6 months ago

    So besides kicking and screaming, what is your actual mechanism of achieving change? What does not voting or adding to the <5% of independent voters achieve?

    Or will you continue to winge about how the democrats aren’t doing anything despite not actually having enough votes to do any of the things you’re demanding.

    Edit - thought so. Not a single idea offered. You all sound exactly like the Occupy Wallstreet crowd that kicked and screamed as loudly as they could, but couldn’t offer a single plausible solution to fix the problem.

    You want to complain that the status quo sucks without a plan on how to fix it.

    Again, grow the fuck up.

    The fascists need to be squashed. If we can give the Dems a super majority, they will have the tools to actually do something about it. Then they can break up into whatever new factions like progressives and moderates or whatever since it would be basically be inevitable after the fascists are pacified, and ranked choice voting would certainly be in the discussion.

    Or you can continue to scream into the wind and accomplish nothing.

  • Wrench@lemmy.worldtoWorld News@lemmy.worldIsrael is starving Gaza
    6 months ago

    And that’s not going to happen without a super majority.

    Literally, your only chance to get the change you’re looking for is to vote Democrat across the board, get them a super majority, and hope (against odds) that they choose to pursue election reform.

    The popular opinion on lemmy of not participating in the 2 party system is just shouting into the wind while simultaneously enabling the extreme right.

    Grow the fuck up.