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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 12th, 2024


  • I’m guessing she got the job because Hasbro approved of those plans for profitability, though. It all seemed standard corporate affair. Hopefully they learned from their mistake, but I think this means they’ll just find a CEO to squeeze money out of pumping bad video games or some shit. Companies always learn the wrong lessons from their success.

    In fact, they already learned the OGL lesson before, so it’s dumb they had to learn it again. They’ll probably have to repeat another one of these lessons in 10 years or so. Hopefully until then, the company is slightly better, but we’ll see who steps up.

  • No it’s because the people who live there know what happens when they leave: they won’t be able to come back. Palestinians are still trying to get the right return for the 700,000 that were kicked out of their homes during the nakba.The people there have living memory of these horrible events. Same thing happened with the Native Americans and the Trail of Tears. It’s one of the stages of ethnic cleansing. Now over a million Palestinians are displaced without food or water or shelter and they’re sick been a sick and an Egypt not letting them in.

    And for some reason you blame Hamas rather than the people doing the actual bombing, which boggles the mind. Why don’t you blame the people blockading the Palestinians for decades? The one restricting their calories, disturbing their sleep with drones, taking their homes in the West Bank, arresting them without trial or charge, cutting off their electricity or trash, preventing them from accessing water or oil, restricting the roads they can drive out cost systems they can use, telling them to go one way then bombing those same escape routes? How is all that not the fault of the Israel, the ones actually doing those actions? The ones motivating the armed struggle through continual oppression, apartheid, and war crimes?

  • It does when the person who owns the street corner says that this street corner is for drug dealers. Israel has said out loud they want everything in Palestine, that the Palestinians are a problem and it would be easier if they reduced them from millions to a couple thousand, that they’re animals, etc. It’s all genocidal language. You don’t have to guess.

    Not to mention Israel is using that same exact logic to ethnically cleanse Gaza, by pretending that every Palestinian is Hamas (despite greater than 50% deaths being women and children).

    And it’s not one bad shooting, or even a couple hundred war crimes. It’s countless, or maybe one huge war crime. They’re targeting all civilian infrastructure and have been since it’s started, and justify it by saying Hamas is using all of it. Plus there’s what’s been happening in the West Bank forever. Millions of Gazans have been displaced already with no food or water and only the clothed and supplies they can carry. Journalists are getting shot every day.

    Hamas is not doing some organized campaign of extermination. You just have to look at the numbers to see that. Hamas is a religious terrorist group that’s arisen as a symptom of the need for armed resistance because Palestine has been getting screwed and lost all their nearby allies who could help after the Oslo Accords, and strengthened by Israel because they needed an enemy scapegoat to justify taking everything and denying a Palestinian state. They’re a ragtag group shooting unguided improvised rockets over that fall on their own houses some of the time and fizzle and do nothing most of the rest of the time. If you want to look at organized extermination, look at the block by block bombing and displacement done by the IDF. Look at the side with the military vs the side with civilians trying to smuggle guns and hide in tunnels.

    It’s the same as the Native American raids, slave revolts, or the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Hundreds of people are dying every week. There’s no food, water, or power. Israel is an apartheid regime. They bomb hospitals, refugee camps, and humanitarian corridors “for ecsape”.

    Never again, means never again. Not just never again for white people.

  • These were already after Zionists were already moving to the land in droves and trying to set up the Israeli state. That’s like saying the Native Americans were violent anti-Americans for attacking settler colonies during the Wild West. The process of displacement and settler colonialism was already way underway by that time and seen in real time by the local. Rather than give them their own state as promised after WWI, Britain instead not only kept Palestine, but used it so all the antisemitic European countries had somewhere to put their Jews. Revisionist Zionists happily accepted this arrangement and once they had the numbers, started setting up terrorist and paramilitary groups and prepping for their future state.

    But Jewish immigration has been happening for awhile before the violence had started, and during that time, relations between the groups were almost entirely peaceful and accepting. Keep in mind that migrations were happening in the 1800’s and even earlier, way before your Wikipedia time line starts.

    Btw, some of these Zionist groups tried to coordinate with the Nazis, too. And they’ve never reconciled with that. One of them became prime minister, and Netanyahu has a figure of the founder of Lehi behind his desk, too.

  • The UN is the one that caused this problem by giving away land other people already lived in to Zionists. And rarely has Israel had any good faith in the negotiations. They’ve generally picked terms that were extremely one-sided to avoid a two-state solution. It’s why they supported Hamas in the first place. Israel doesn’t a sovereign Palestinian state. They want all the land, and their attempted offerings have always had that with them getting way more land, refusing right to return for Palestinians, and keeping de facto control over their territory and people. During one negotiation, even the US negotiator said they wouldn’t take the Israeli offer if he was in the shoes of the Palestinian leader at the time.

  • Israel has never seriously offered 2 state solution. They’ve dangled terrible deals that no one would take, even them in the Palestinian position, or they’ve withdrawn at the first sign or excuse, whether it was related to ongoing deals or not. The only time they got close, their leader was assassinated by a a radical Zionist. They still haven’t followed the conditions of deals they have agreed to, like retreating to pre-1967 borders in the first UN accords, they continue to expand settlements and don’t grant autonomy like they said they would in the 1978 Camp David Accords or the Oslo Accords. Every time Israel tries to push off actually dealing with a Palestinian state, water rights, Palestinians being able to return to homes they were kicked out of, or expanding settlements for another 5 years. Even a US negotiator and Jimmy Carter during the Camp David negotiations said they wouldn’t have taken the deal Israel offered to the Palestinians.

    Basically, Israel and the US always finds the line for Palestinians and tries to make a deal beyond that line, or pushes off the biggest issues of a sovereign state into the future. When Palestinians try to go back to an earlier deal, Israel and the US creates new terms that are beyond the line again. It shows a lack of good faith in actually wanting to make a deal. They dangle peace but don’t actually want it. What they want is all the land, no native Palestinians to deal with, and they want the international community to get off their back.

    And no, I’d be very unhappy if a homeless man killed my family. But even I would realize that it’s way more likely to be a homeless man or gang member or someone like that who killed my whole family than a well rested, sheltered, mentally stable citizen. That wouldn’t mean I’d want to kill all homeless people, though. From an emotional standpoint, maybe I’d want to initially, but it’s the job of others to know that it wouldn’t help, that it would be better to solve the underlying conditions of homelessness. I’m not defending it, I’m explaining why it happens so we can stop it from keep happening.

    After all, there would just be more homeless people made after I killed them all, because it’s a systemic issue. Same thing with Hamas. Killing them all isn’t a solution, it’s solving the underlying system of oppression that produces them. It’s the job of people with calmer minds or who went through this shit before or who study history, like us Americans who made similar mistakes after 9/11 or studied what happened to the Native Americans, to put a stop to it and implement actual solutions even if they’re not as satisfying as violence, to save others from the same fate in the future.