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Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • On a less jokey note, pretty much every living mammal has been subjected to domestication attempts at some point in history. Bears, elephants, tigers, hippopotami, moose… More often than not, there’s some kind of inherent physiological reason why it doesn’t work.

    Some animals don’t breed well in captivity (pandas, famously, but cheetahs are another classic case). Some can’t handle captivity at all - the few efforts at keeping Great Whites in captivity ended with the animals bludgeoning themselves to death on the walls of their enclosures. Others are consistently too aggressive to effectively tame (zebras, coyotes, chimps, elephants, and pythons are notable for all the historic instances domestication failed for these reasons). And some simply aren’t pleasant household companions - skunks, raccoons, and foxes are all notable for their powerful odors and their propensity to destroy the interiors of homes.

    There’s some speculation as to whether cats ever were actually domesticated successfully, or whether we’ve simply chosen to ignore their feral habits as such.

  • The Israeli people were fighting them the last year trying to prevent the country from becoming a dictatorship.

    The bulk of the Israeli public was perfectly happy with the treatment of their Palestinian neighbors up until this point. Settlers on the border shooting into Palestinian lands, attacking Palestinian farmers, bulldozing homes, and setting fire to groves is nothing new. It goes straight back to the Nakba of '48.

    What has the Ashkenazi branch of the population in a lather is the threat of Sephardics and Mizrahis increasingly dominating the Parliament and the various state agencies. The country has always been a military dictatorship from the perspective of the Arabs. Only recently have the more Western and secularized Jewish settlers found themselves exposed to the iron fist of Israeli rule.

  • If you’ve ever fallen off a boat into the water and been sucked under that boat and had to claw yourself back out again, you will understand why this is surprisingly non-trivial.

    If you’ve been awake for 72 hours, jacked up on a pharmaceutical only God and the six most sadistic chemists at the Pentagon know about, and you just pulled yourself up on board a ship in the dead of night after tailing pirates for days, I have to image its even harder.

    The Navy does prefer to kill their best and brightest in helicopter crashes. But its still very possible to get drowned to death on the job.

  • There is a lot of truth to “Jews control the media”

    Not… really. This is where you run into the old saying “Antisemitism is the socialism of fools”. The idea that “Jews” control media is horribly misplaced, because for every given adherent to the faith with some amount of clout, there are millions utterly devoid of swag. You could just as easily claim “Australians control the media” by pointing to the Murdochs or Packers. Or put the blame on the Germans by way of the Hearst family. If you wanted to be particularly smarmy, you could put the blame on the Americans themselves, as an ethnic cohort.

    But we’re way past any kind of root cause analysis when we just try to blame a single ethnic cohort, while ignoring how much division exists within that cohort. Certainly, the Beta Israelis don’t control the media. And we can find plenty of anti-war Jews, anti-Zionist Jews, and even just anti-Netanyahu Jews as counterfactuals to the current media narrative.

    Zionists definitely have a disproportionate amount of influence

    A certain select group of people with a Zionist position have either direct ownership stake or indirect financial influence over a number of major publications and broadcasters. And as media ownership has consolidated over time, they’ve gained a larger voice.

    Some of those people might be described as Zionists, such as Jonathan Karp and the Adelson family. But others, like the highly influential head of the Second Baptist Church of Houston - Ed Young - are quite literally selling people on Zionism as an end to Judaism by way of a nuclear holocaust that ushers in the Second Coming of Christ.

    Not Jewish. Not really Zionist in the conventional sense. Enormously influential in US - and by extension global - media and politics, purely by way of his command of a wealthy congregation in a set of heavily contested electoral districts.

  • they have a large and modern army

    They’re hemorrhaging money and manpower to fight this war, particularly in the wake of the Houthi’s shutting down travel through the Red Sea. If the US were to take a hard line against Israel (as Reagan did when Israel launched a war against Lebanon back in the 80s), the Israelis would be forced to back down for fear of exhausting their supplies too quickly.

    Let them sort their own shit out, while focusing support on a country that absolutely needs it.

    The US has never prioritized needs over political expediency. And the Israel lobby has far more pull in the American Congress than anything Zelensky is fielding.

    Failing to support Ukraine means you’re a bog standard Republican. Failing to support Israel means you’re going to lose your job in either party.