Factions. Have different similar groups of enemies/npcs (or potential allies) that are fighting with one another. Have your players throw you for a loop as they scheme and become double agents who end up murdering both factions.
Factions. Have different similar groups of enemies/npcs (or potential allies) that are fighting with one another. Have your players throw you for a loop as they scheme and become double agents who end up murdering both factions.
What? There have been hundreds of experiments confirming many different hypotheses of quantum physics…
The photoelectric effect you have seen nearly every day (have you every used a modern camera with auto-iris? What about solar power?)
The double-slit experiment proves that subatomic particles can act as both a particle and a wave, which is pretty instrumental in further theories of QM.
Freedman-Clause verified quantum entagnlement.
Usage of Nuclear energy for both bombs and generating electrical power…
Superconductors and Cooper-pairs.
Even the other poster joking about the Copenhagen interpretation - Copenhagen lead to discoveries in Qubit measurement (read up on Quantum State Tomography).
Quantum physics isn’t one single, independent theory… And it keeps evolving as our understanding changes.
Your… Your character is built around the Ballmer peak??? That. Is. Brilliant.
Mind if i use this for an NPC quest hook in my current campaign? My players like to have their characters drink heavily and break stuff. It would be an amazing little mini game of “feed the Nuke alcohol, but not too much and not too little or they will explode and take everyone with them”. Except… Not like a bomb nuke… More like a trauma-fueled-bull-in-a-porcelain-shop type of thing.
Any further details you are willing to share about your character and their motications, I would be incredibly grateful.