Yeah. Dating sits and social media sites need to be kept separate. If someone is in a poly or open relationship, more power to them. But the vast, vast majority of the population, including most trans people, don’t have any interest in that sort of thing. And most people in monogamous relationships would see their partner being on a dating app to be a huge betrayal of trust and fidelity. To try and blur the line between dating apps and social media just seems like a terrible idea.
Exactly. It’s fun to joke, but people are reading the order way too literally. It doesn’t say, “those who at conception can produce a large reproductive cell.” It says something like, “those who at conception belong to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell.” Any court will be able to see that the clear interpretation is that sex is defined by genetics and that anyone with XX chromosomes belongs to the female sex.
You can’t produce reproductive cells at conception. But if you asked most people, they would still have no problem referring to the sex of a zygote or fetus. They would simply be operating off of the genetic definition of sex.