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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • This is not the way to go about that

    What is your way to go about that?

    If you aren’t doing anything, what way(s) would you deem acceptable? If you know acceptable ways, why aren’t you following through? Honest if-questions, not meant as assumptions.

    Healthy and sustainable food seems to be a decent goal. People should be able to get behind this. So if all the disagreement is about the right approach, where are the people with the right approach, and where are all the people voicing their concern about art supporting them?

    Please help me out. It feels as if people are more concerned about pieces of art which they may never see, than about healthy food, the climate, or other major issues which affect everyone.

    I get why it puts people off, these points exist. I just wonder what the “right” alternative to these “wrong” approaches is, and wether the critics walk the talk.

  • An attempt to reconcile both views by comparing it to a structural collapse of, let’s say, a bridge.

    In the end, it collapses. Before that, the cracks begin to show. Before that, invisible micro-cracks form. Before that, pressure exceeds limits.

    Now, at which point in this story does “collapse happen”? Some use this to refer to the actual collapse, after the cracks began to show.

    But since collapse is inevitable after too many micro-cracks have formed (or maybe even earlier, since those are already symptoms of an underlying cause), some refer to this long, unspectacular build-up phase as “collapse happens”.

    I’m neither an economist nor a civil engineer. Bridges are complex, economies even more so. I still think these two views explain how the same term can refer to different things, or different phases of the same thing.

  • Hamas never had a chance against IDF in a military clash. They try to erode international support for Israel instead, by dragging the giant into a long and dirty fight.

    They also need to take care about their domestic support. In both cases, it is good for Hamas when IDF does cruel things.

    So the strategic goal of continued fighting is to show everyone, abroad and at home, how evil Israel is, to stay in power.