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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Countries de-funded UNRWA because they had people on their payroll that participated in actual genocide on October 7.

    Many countries have switched to providing aid through alternative channels.

    Really Guterres should resign, because how can an investigation of the UNRWA be trusted when it’s in the best interests of the UN Secretary General to prove it didn’t happen to avoid responsibility?

    At this point the UN is just becoming less and less of a factor in the conflict because of their failures in leadership. I mean trying to make excuses for October 7, then not even apologizing when there’s a valid complaint about it. The UN is failing at diplomacy 101. The UN failed to properly vet the people they have working for them. If people on the UN payroll committed genocide, how seriously can we take claims coming from the UN about genocide?

    We really need the UN be a part of a potential future peace in Gaza, but the UN is continuously failing in every possible way in regards to Gaza. There needs to be serious changes at the UN. There’s a need for an impartial diplomatic organization in the world, and the UN in it’s current form simply isn’t capable of being that.

  • Religion is a reflection of humanity. A lot of people are thinking that humanity is a reflection of religion.

    This is a bizarre sort of logic. If humanity is a reflection of religion, then where does religion come from? Perhaps from an omnipotent force of some sort?

    If you believe religion is a creation of humans, than any issue with religion is ultimately just an issue with humans. And yeah, people suck.

    Methinks lot of weird anti-religious ideas come from people who once believed religion came from an omnipotent being, then were in some way negatively affected be religion and realized that even religious people suck sometimes too. But the disappointment from discovering religion isn’t what they previously believed remains. The thought patterns about religion being a reflection of God and not being a reflection of humanity also remains. Even when someone no longer believes in God, the religious thought patterns remain.

  • With forensics being as good as they are now, they’ll probably figure out the knife you used the first time is the same knife you used the second time.

    You really can’t have a favourite knife anymore. Gotta dispose of it right away or they’ll work out the pattern without needing to figure out the riddles you left behind at the scene. It’s cheating really, but the only thing you can do to prevent it is by taking the “single-use knife” approach.

  • Because you can take some people hostage while killing other people? It’s not really that complicated.

    at least you say hamas, and not palestinians.

    Yeah because I’m consistently against hating people based on their ethnicity.

    If this forum was dominated by people saying Palestinians are evil, I would be speaking out against that.

    But this forum happens to be dominated be people promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories, and people that deny the existence of violence towards Jews. So I’m speaking out against that.

    If you can see past the emotional manipulations that are happening in this particular information silo, you’ll see the same pattern of behaviour I’m seeing. This forum is devolving into straight up antisemitism.

  • Hamas committed genocide.

    The Palestinian movement has failed to adequately separate itself from Hamas. No real denouncements of Hamas. You have people cosplaying as Hamas genocidal psychopaths at Pro-Palestine rallies.

    Now the tactic seems to be to literally “both sides” genocide. Claim that Israel is committing genocide to provide cover for the genocide Hamas committed.

    The old fascist tactic of accusing the other side of the things you’re guilty of.

    What’s happening now is a war. A war that was started by the genocide Hamas committed. Given how Hamas has embedded itself into the civilian population, given that Hamas doesn’t wear uniforms which would allow the IDF to distinguish combatants from civilians, given Hamas has made zero effort to protect the civilian population, building bunkers only for themselves… yeah it’s a war with a lot of civilian casualties. A war Hamas started. A war Hamas created the conditions in which there would be high civilians casualties.

    Anyone that’s cracked open a history book knows what this is. People with foreign policy experience knows what’s up.

    But people reading the boosted Hamas propaganda have read the same lies over and over again enough times that they believe it.

    Then scream on the internet about “why is Joe Biden allowing this to happen?”

    It’s because he’s not in the information silo you’re in. Hamas committed genocide. No matter how much people want to deny it, no matter all the “both sides” fascist narratives are spread on the internet, the truth is that Hamas committed genocide. Hamas started the war. Hamas set up the conditions for the war. As Hamas is being contained, the civilian casualties are dropping. Civilian casualties happen in Israel when Hamas is present. Civilian casualties also happen in Gaza when Hamas is present. Israel is not committing genocide because if that were the case, civilian casualties would increase where Hamas isn’t present to protect them. But the opposite is happening. Civilian casualties are decreasing as Israel takes control of Gaza from Hamas.

    You’ve been lied to. It’s easier to convince someone of a lie than it is to convince them they’ve been lied to. It’s not just the MAGAs that need deprogramming. There’s a lot of people that fell for Hamas propaganda.

  • It’s a Guardian article. The Guardian has had Headlines that are incredibly biased against Israel for at at least a few decades now. The trick to reading biased news outlets like the Guardian is to focus mostly on the quotes, and completely ignore inflammatory headlines.

    “The UN and many of its member states, including Australia, voted for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza that would only help Hamas to reorganize – a resolution that again failed to condemn Hamas, and again failed to call for the release of all hostages,” Maimon wrote on X on Friday.”

    “Now, listening to the most recent remarks by Australian officials, it seems that Hamas’s culpability has been forgotten – along with the fate of tens of thousands of displaced Israelis and the starvation of Israeli hostages in Gaza."

    When you call for a ceasefire you should recognize that both sides have to agree to it. Basic diplomacy, don’t make out one side as being the bad guy if you want them to agree to something.

    Hamas is holding civilians hostages (which is a war crime), but countries are demanding a ceasefire in way that makes Israel out as being evil.

    It’s a “have you stopped beating your wife?” kind of thing. Putting someone into a situation where no matter what their answer is, they’re in the wrong.

    Imagine you were being held hostage in the underground lair of some psychopaths, being tortured and raped for months. Your government was doing everything thing they could to get you out. Then some countries that hate you and your country demand they stop. Would you want your government to listen to people that hate you and everyone else in your country?

    Calls for a ceasefire that don’t even mention the hostage situation are not serious diplomatic efforts. They’re just political moves, playing for the home crowd, playing for the social media crowd.