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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Edit: alternative image host, I had no idea that imgbb was blocked in a bunch of places https://i.imgur.com/OQ2l5CH.jpeg

    Here’s Alaric. He made me panic when I first adopted him because it seemed like he was refusing to eat for several days. I then discovered that he had found the bag of cheese treats, hidden it behind the sofa, torn it open, and eaten nothing but those the whole time. He also dislikes hearing voice calls for some reason, perfectly happy to sit on my lap while I watch a video but will get up and leave if I go on a discord chat or take a phone call. Those big ears of his can apparently tell the difference, even when I’m using headphones.

    I love this little guy. He is a blessing.

  • Mine definitely isn’t gentle, but I think that that’s only because I don’t mind getting a little bit scratched up when playing with him so I only taught him to keep it to that. He understands that playtime is over otherwise. He seems to understand when he has done more than he meant to as well, he immediately goes from fighting to affectionate

    Same experience with kneading though. It’s very cute that he’s so happy and comfortable but holy shit cat your claws are so sharp

  • You see it - an ambush. Four with crossbows, watching from the shadows in upper story windows. One leaning against the wall forty feet ahead with his finger twitching nervously over his knife. Three at a table, barely visible through swinging saloon doors, but each with a hatchet in hand listening for the sound of fighting. You feel every grazing shift of the wind, hear the distant crake of carrion crows unaware of the feast that is about to be laid out.

    You see beyond the walls of the buildings, even. No, beyond… something else. Another kind of wall. One distant, but ever-present. Five titanic figures, shrouded in the haze of vast distances, looking over you. They speak, but you cannot know their tongue. One commands the others, a theatrical gesture wrought across the entire sky, and the other four hurl stones of mountainous proportion. What calamity have you witnessed?

    And in an instant, they vanish from your sight. One of the crossbowmen shot your leg.

  • I have a homebrew that I need to revisit and fix the formatting of for mixed heritage PCs, and the system I came up with meant that I had to give every race four traits. Some of these would be minor, like darkvision, but there had to be four. I went with a once-per-day refuse-to-die ability and a proficiency-per-day advantage on a roll of your choice, so that the one thing humans do best is push through the tough situations

  • Much as I’m generally not keen on CR stuff and will never not be salty about them accidentally turning D&D firbolgs into cow folk, the name “dunamancy” is actually a bit better than that. It’s just based on another meaning of the Greek word that “dyna-” comes from. This version is better translated as “potentiality” or “possibility”. Aristotle used it for a bunch of stuff, so it got brought into English with that meaning as “dunamis”. The -mancy bit is definitely just because fantasy stuff uses it to mean any magic though