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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Don’t get it twisted. You’re the one that is flying in the face of overwhelming data, not the other way around.

    It’s not his fault that you refuse to read anything at all about history. But to help you out I will give you a very notable one.

    One notable instance of a persecuted minority group gaining rights and eventually persecuting their former persecutors is the history of Christians in the Roman Empire.

    During the early centuries of the Common Era, Christians were a minority group within the Roman Empire and faced periods of intense persecution. This persecution included being blamed for natural disasters, subjected to public executions, and targeted during the reigns of several emperors, most notably Nero and Diocletian. Christians were often forced to practice their faith in secret to avoid these harsh penalties.

    The turning point came in the early 4th century when Constantine the Great became emperor. In 313 CE, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which granted religious tolerance to all religions, including Christianity. Over time, Christianity not only became accepted but also began to receive imperial patronage. By the end of the 4th century, under Emperor Theodosius I, Christianity became the official state religion of the Roman Empire.

    Once in a position of power, Christians began to persecute those who did not conform to their religious views. Pagan practices and temples were suppressed, and non-Christian religions were marginalized. Heretical Christian sects were also targeted. For example, the destruction of the Serapeum of Alexandria in 391 CE and the persecution of pagans and Jews are indicative of this shift from being persecuted to becoming persecutors.

    Now, piss off and I’m blocking you for wasting everyone’s time and arguing in bad faith. I have better shit to do than teach you history that you should have learned in 9th grade.

  • I highly recommend doing deep dives into what the Biden admin has been doing. They have gotten very clever.

    In particular with the Israeli shit that has been like a foreign policy minefield. Bibi let it slip the other day that the Biden admin has been pushing for a Palestinian state from the start. The problem is that Israel has been giving Biden and company a resounding middle finger every step of the way.

    Right after the attack, the Biden admin was trying to get Israel not to go further than bombing. When that didn’t work they were pushing for limited boots on the ground stuff. When that didn’t work they started pushing for humanitarian pauses and more humanitarian corridors and aid, now the Biden admin is pushing for a 2 state solution which would make Palestine and the PA a legitimate recognized entity and use a multinational force to stand between Israel and Palestine. All the whole, the Biden admin has been saying we stand with Israel and they have our full support, etc etc etc. it’s been a tightrope of publicly supporting but privately trying to hold them back.

    Say what you will about Biden, but his administration has some pretty slick operators in it.

  • Biden figured out a while back the method of the slow burn. That’s exactly what his admin is doing with Student Debt. Since the big pushes failed thanks to republicans, they have been forgiving debt in very specific areas at a time. 10 million here, 135 million there, 25 million elsewhere, etc.

    The republican base can’t bother to give much of a shit about 100 million, so the trick is to accomplish the main goal in itty bitty pieces. Pretty soon you can put 2 and 2 together and realizes that a few billion has been allocated.

    That’s what I see happening here. $700,000 isn’t enough for repubs to really bitch about. It’s a hilariously small number. But if you do that a few hundred times, that small number becomes a very large number. Thankfully republicans are too stupid and short sighted to rub two braincells (if they have them) together to figure it out.

  • Furries will never get respect from me. Being a furry is a choice. Lugbitiqua is not.

    That furries are generally part of the LGBT community is interesting, but that doesn’t somehow make being a furry a protected group. If you choose to stick your goody bits in a fursuit more power to you, but if people make fun of you for being a grown (and seemingly predominantly functional) adult in a fursuit, that’s just the price of being a furry.