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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2024


  • Speaking from personal experience, having such a “fully formed frontal cortex” doesn’t guarantee enough maturity to prevent problems more commonly associated with childhood. There’s roughly 25 years of life determining your thought processes before you reach that point of brain development, and it can easily take just as long (or even longer) to realize the problems with (and correct, if they’re strong & brave enough to do so) poorly developed thought processes from those early years. That’s why there are so many divorces even well into people’s later years.

    Unfortunately, many never manage to undo the damage wrought by their childhood. The asshole moving (back, unbelievably) into the White House & his supporters are living proof.

  • I’m guessing your comment is directed at mine, and I can only come up with two possible reasons for not responding directly to me - either you:

    • didn’t want to engage a potential troll, which would be understandable if my phrasing hadn’t been reasonably respectful (at least that’s what I tried to be - feel free to let me know how I missed the mark if not), or…
    • looking for even the most vague hint of a reason to assume the worst about people, and then passive-aggressively trolling them for it. Frankly, this is what your (avoidance of) approach came off as to me, and it’s an especially cheap shot for the unwarranted lack of respect by not talking about me to my (virtual) face.

    I’ll freely admit I’ve never been part of this community. I’m just a somewhat older introverted cis guy whose life wound up being a pointless waste of an existence in no small part due to bullying (only outdone by extremely poor & dishonest parenting, along with a strong predisposition to depression/anxiety). It’s that bullying I experienced that led me to make the comment I did. I’m quite sure I needn’t explain to anybody who’s part of this community how damaging bullying can be to your psyche.

    Yeah, as adults such bullying isn’t usually as simple and blatant as it is for kids, but that’s not always the case - just look at the asshole who’s about to move back into the White House for a prime example. You’ll pardon me if the utterly - unbelievably - absurd amount of support that supreme leader of all bullies gets has made me fear the worst.