a fat italian

Accept people for what they wanna be, its not that hard…

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Also, about the second question.

    No, the church isn’t doing such donations. Maybe the local one in your country, but the church of the Vatican City has lost all political influence by also being its own country with its own political background. In Italian law, the separation of church and state is clearly defined and becoming even more defined with the slow change in the religion lesson in every school changing their now 1 hour per week dedicated to it from teaching christianity to either history of the religions in the world or debate lesson.

  • At least in Italy, a religious marriage is legally bidining as much as a civil marriage because it is a byproduct of such.

    For a civil marriage only, one only needs to show certain documentation, and the only requirement is both to be Italians, be 18 years old or more and both not already civil married (no gender requirements).

    A religious marriage is not valid unless a civil marriage is iniciated first, where the rules of the religion of both partecipants are followed and applied in this case. Mixed religions/beliefs are allowed too, but they usually come with extra rules (for example, a marriage between a atheist and a chatolic is possible in a christian church as long as the atheist signs a swear to allow future children from the marriage to receive the chatholic education)

    The choice of only a civil marriage or the added religious marriage brings the same rights and duties in the Italian law.