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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • My vet tech wife thinks it abcesses from an older dog bite. She believes there would be more damage from a gunshot.

    But an abcess would be a round, symmetrical wound and if it was from a bite it explains why there would be another on the other side. There should also be scabs next to the abcesses from the other two canine teeth.

  • Keeping it strictly in D&D terms, I’d give it a Legendary Resistance that can be used each round as a reaction. Each time it’s used it also consumes one of the multi attacks.

    In this way the enemy avoids being crippled but is still weakened for the round and the players get less bruised for it. It feels they’ve earned it rather than wasted a resource.

    Narratively it’s rearing back to avoid a blow so it can’t bite this turn, or a claw parries. Maybe the spell that was supposed to entangle instead damages a wing, halving flight speed.

    Turn those resistances into opportunities to strike back.