Plume (She/Her)

Hi! I’m Plume. Whatever brings you here, feel free to ask me anything! :)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • It sucks to see this. I didn’t watch this one, so maybe it’s actually funny? I don’t know. But I think the dude made some good jokes in the past which homed great points, about LGBTQ people in the US and how it easy it was for them to get rights compared to black people. And his trans jokes originally? I liked them! The car bit? Quite funny! And I think lots of people made a big deal out of it over nothing… it got a bit far, it made him spiteful and spite can turn people into absolute morons. Dude used to make jokes about trans people, funny ones too, like, my god, I’ll take any joke that isn’t: “If a MaN cAn idENTifY aS A WoMAn, thEn I idEntiFy as A [INSERT RANDOM OBJECT]” (kys)… but lately, he’s just been taking time off of his show to just spew his bad takes, as far as I can tell (again, I didn’t watch this one).

  • Okay, I’m going to go on a bit of a rant now, and it’s nothing against this particular creator. But at some point I have to put my foot down and say: No. Fuck this video.

    I don’t know who started this damn trend, but I’m so tired of these unnecessarily long videos. Your video should never be 4, 5 or even 6 hours long. What the fuck! Amazing documentaries have been made for decades and they never reached that amount of time. There is no reason why a video should be 6 hours long. I have other shit to do. At some point, just publish a book…

    And I know, that sweet retention time. But you can’t convince me you had so much to say and that everything in this video is so important that nothing couldn’t be taken out. I don’t believe you. I don’t need to click on this video to know it could be two and a half hours long at best. And if really, you have that much to say? Cut that shit into a series, then!

    Look, I already find it hard to watch a 30 minute video essay. Because most of the time, it doesn’t need to be that long and the person making it just won’t get to the damn point.

    Like, let’s say I’m watching a video about a game. If I’m watching this, chances are I already know the game. Or at least, just give some brief context. You don’t have to “but actually… whats’s a video game?” me and then to go into thé whole fucking history of video games and tell me about how life was for the developer when they was a sperm in someone’s balls…

    I’ll say this though, I used to make videos. I would write, record and edit the whole thing on my own. So a six hours long project? Yeah, I respect the hell out of that. But at some point, you need to think of the viewer. It’s unreasonable to ask someone to take this much time to do anything in their day. Cut it into multiple parts, I know chapters are a thing but YouTube remembering where I stopped watching is far too inconsistent for that.

  • It’s almost a guarantee that she is going to be raped multiple times in a men’s prison. And while you could say that she is supporting the people who make this happen, leopards eating faces and all that, and therefore, had it coming… no one deserves this. Being principled means standing for your enemies when it’s necessary, even if you know they wouldn’t do the same for you.

    Does she deserves prison? I mean… I guess, if we think prison is good, then yes? But that’s a whole other debate. But I’m seeing it like this: On one hand: It’s a Trump supporter dipshit who stormed the fucking capitol and is getting what’s coming to them, fuck them. But on the other hand: It’s a trans woman being thrown in a men’s prison and is therefore going to be raped multiple times and/or be forced to be stuck in solitary the whole time. And that is not ok, at all.