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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I don’t agree that this is necessarily a weakness or that it’s overly strange.

    While they might not be able to quite hit the peak fitness of someone in their 20’s and 30’s, you also gain a large amount of meaningful mental fortitude as you get older.

    In short you have seen more shit and dealt with more shit. So generally you can bear more headship and pain before breaking, also probably less prone to discipline issues, and the older ones likely provide a good example to the rest.

    In a war for the survival of your nation all able bodied people are needed. There are naturally more older people than there are younger ones.

  • I don’t think that analogy goes far enough…

    The sheer level of hurt that the USDF could put on them is completely on a different universe to anything they would have come up against previously.

    They 100% could obliterate everything in that theatre that even resembles a “target” with little warning and zero real strain, it would be significantly less effort than some of the training exercises that happen.

    Someone is clearly being paid by someone else to provoke a response or provide a distraction (I wonder who)

    Which I think is probably why nothing too crazy has happened in response yet because why give them what they seem to want.

  • I have absolute confidence that Finland will absolutely counter any aggressive actions all by themselves if they need to.

    They have an absolutely staggering amount of artillery and you can be sure it’s all pre-sighted and ready to make any silly invasion attempts an absolute blood bath.

    They also have a powerful and decentralised airforce, setup to operate from their highways and backwater air fields should the need arise.

    Finland out of any nation in Europe would be the least of my worries about its ability to defend themselves, they have been gearing up and planning to defend against Russian aggression for generations, their people are motivated and I believe already armed with their service rifles after they complete their mandatory service period.

    Add NATO membership into it and Russian threats are just laughable, dragging such a powerful and motivated foe into a war you are already struggling badly with would be incredibly stupid, not that that rules it out I guess.