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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • Yeah l think, honestly, one of the biggest issues we have is society giving less time to children and letting the digital babysitters get more and more control.

    It takes a village to raise a kid but no one is allowed to tell anyone that they are wrong anymore or hold a consistent view of reality. And it’s sooo easy to just put a kid in front of a screen.

    Parents don’t want to “give up their lives” to raise kids anymore and need them to be quiet or decoration. It’s just getting worse.

  • You know what? I still argues it’s a great idea to pay government positions well. Let there be no need for bribes or underhanded deals. You want them to also be able to take care of themselves for the stress and it should be something that people want to achieve because of what a good job it is then prove they are right for it so that there is a pool of smart people willing to do it rather than a job managing HR for Facebook cause it pays better.

    But maybe I just like the idea of a country that takes care to make sure they are taking care of people.

  • I mean you’d be pretty reluctant to grab a torch too if it was one that has been held on desperately by a generation 3 above yours that didn’t even want to hand it away but are literally decaying around as they grasp tightly onto it and the torch requires feeding babies to it even though they don’t burn just so you have an excuse to dump a bunch of oil on to help reduce them to ash a bit further.

    I think being handed a torch to carry would be fine. This is not a passing of a torch but a wildfire that people are busy dancing around. And I’m definitely to shy to join the “let it burn” party.