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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • For me, I’m cool with barebones.

    A player once wanted to persuade a government official to basically not do the paperwork, I asked him how he wanted to do that, and he sat for a minute trying to figure it out. What I ended up doing is just asking him how he’d like it to go, and he ended up saying something like “I want my character to just be suave and say something to make the guy swoon a bit”. Called for a roll, he did alright, so I narrated the scene like I would an NPC and that was a success.

    My player needed the idea, but that doesn’t mean he needed to act out the idea. Without even knowing the idea it’s “I want to roll persuasion. Does a 19 work?” and that’s boring, but he didn’t need to roleplay to succeed, either.

  • True Polymorph is the easiest if we just wanna accrue wealth quickly

    Buy some live feeder mice (a small animal that doesn’t involve killing someone’s pet) and transform them into jewelry. True Polymorph has none of the restrictions of Fabricate, so we can create fine jewelry without skill. Turn a mouse into a gold ring or necklace, with a large gemstone embedded into it. Sell it at a pawn shop. Repeat, use different pawn shops, and use Dominate Person with Modify Memory afterwards if theres some law about needing an ID. The dominated person can use theirs, and then you remove the interaction from their memories.

    Sell fine jewelry made from mice all you want. Use that cash to buy cows or other massive animals, turn them into gold. We don’t have to worry about how to pass the gold off though, the goal was to accumulate wealth. Use Fabricate to make the cow-gold into rough coins, build a secret dragon’s den.

    Of course, if we’re willing to be a little less subtle, True Polymorph is also great for doing some light faith healing, restoring blindness due to injury by transforming them into another person that’s basically identical, or we could make people look like their ideal selves. Not in the bounds of the question though.