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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • 13,000 in UNRWA employees in Gaza, as I understand. The IDF’s dossier also alleged that 1,300, or 10%, were direct supporters of Hamas whilst 50% have close family or close friends who are members of Hamas.

    I don’t think UNRWA itself was officially coordinating the attacks, but I have zero doubt that UNRWA negligently let it’s resources being coopted, and the world needed a reality check on UNRWA’s activities in Gaza. As you said, they do justifiably work with Hamas as much as anyone can justify working with terrorists. The question is how friendly is UNRWA to Hamas and it’s strategies in that work? Some of longstanding allegations are that UNRWA teaches that martyrdom is honorable and that martyrs are heroes. Perhaps that explains some of the shocking numbers of civilians killed?

  • Yes the language in that first paragraph about the Genocide Convention was left out of the Guardian articl and the person above, who purported to quote the order, but at least used an ellipses to indicate the omission, unlike the Guardian.

    This part of the order (P79) refers only to killings to which are barred under the Genocide Conventions, not the mere killing of any Palestinian, which is what OP, you, and the Guardian article falsely implied.

    P79 is another good example. You’ve quoted it here presumably to argue that “see, Israel does have to take affirmative steps.” Here Israel must prosecute people for war crimes and incitement to genocide. Well, you’re ignoring the part of the order that finds Israel is already doing that, and they are.

    80 and 81, same thing. Israel is already in compliance, at least that’s what they will argue and provide evidence of in their status report due to the ICJ on February 23.

    E: If only down voting me could make your feelings about what’s in the order actually match the order.

  • Back up the claim how? The raw intelligence is classified, no doubt. All anyone ever gets is public statements and watered down facts.

    Israel is a democracy though and has traditions of open government and of prosecuting war criminals. Hamas is a far right theocratic authoritarian regime that rules by assassination and wanton use of human shields, i.e., literally building massive tunnel systems under every city and using them to conduct decades of terror attack and indiscriminate rocket attacks in civilian targets. Whenever a bunch of Palestinian’s died, usually Israel says “well some of them were Hamas.” Hamas on the other hand insists every time that none of the dead are Hamas. For that reason, Israel is more credible.

  • The court did not specifically order that. Luckily we have the order and you may read it for yourself. You don’t have to rely on the incorrect analysis of the person who said otherwise or this article, which paraphrased the order to make it sound as though it contained something which it did not contain. OP-above used an ellipses to omit a pretty crucial sentence of the order. It does not bar the killing of any Palestinians as the Guardian article and OP have implied with selective paraphrasing and omissions.