Reddit is trash
My favorite was a one-shot where a bunch of ex-lovers for this noble NPC got together to rob them. Turns out, the noble was a devil. Breaking and entering turned into quite the interesting escape
Stupid sexy Wolverine
I, too, visualized a giant game of Twister
My human monk got in a lot of hot water for throat chopping elves. She believed very strongly in having good manners.
BG3 is a porn sim
I always wondered if supervillains kept track of each other’s plots in case they needed to sabotage or interfere for their own ends. Not like Nazi Red Skull would be on friendly terms with former Jewish internment camp survivor Magneto.
I’ve found Microsoft’s Bing/Copilot wonderful for making character art for my sessions
There is an old movie called “Mom and Dad Save the World.” It’s pure entertainment.
The planet is full of idiots and one of their most dangerous weapons is the light grenade. Anyone who picks it up disappears in a bright flash. So, why would anyone ever pick up this well-known weapon? Because it says “Pick me up” on the side.
I heard wizards can have a dozen apprentices a year.
Add Haste
That’s what always bothers me about Harry Potter. Why haven’t wizards adopted guns?
But were they paying their taxes on time?
I made Iron Man once with my artificer. My friends each also made Avengers stand-ins. It was great.
That’s why I like monks. Lots of saves!
My rogues always come from normal households. They’re either assholes, kleptos, or Robin Hoods.
Or burn down the tree-huggers’ woods.
Edit: It’s a joke. Are we against jokes here?
Orcs and humans are natural enemies.
Like elves and humans.
Or dwarves and humans.
Or gnomes and humans.
Or halfings and humans.
Or humans and other humans.
Damn humans! They ruined Toril!
Removed by mod
Pigeon-rat is redundant
When it looks at itself in the mirror doesn’t it technically become a beholder?