• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023

  • If he is in a group of like minded people, then all the power to them.

    And that is the important part! If everyone’s having fun. If someone feels it’s at their expense clearly it needs to change.

    I think I’m interpreting the original Reddit thread poster as saying they like 5E instead of other games because they already know the rules. So they wouldn’t be slowing down the table with not knowing the rules (stuff like what to roll) like you describe. If they tried a new game they’d have to put effort into learning new rules—which for some involves focusing on others’ turns play out, because learning by example instead of just reading the rules is pretty helpful. In other words, I am thinking they are saying “with 5e I know it well enough to check out and not be disruptive, with other systems I have to actually pay attention and learn before I can hit ‘non-disruptive without 100% focus’ status”.

    I think there’s a difference between the level of checked out you describe and what I’m taking away from this post. I do hope that poster knows their character sheet and isn’t causing disruptions like the kind you described in your reply because I don’t think most people find that fun, regardless of how casual the level of play at the table is. Past tense in your reply suggests these people who caused disruptions no longer play with you, so that’s good.

  • The final aesthetic is called submission, though I prefer the term that the Extra Credits’ team use: abnegation. It just sounds cooler and more complicated. Submission is the pleasure you get from turning off your brain and losing yourself in a task you don’t have to think too hard about. Grinding levels in World of Warcraft. Mining minerals in Minecraft. Farming item drops in Diablo III.

    Now, submission is an odd one to discuss in tabletop RPGs because it is one that tabletop RPGs doesn’t handle so well. The thing is, even the simplest tasks in an RPG require a high cognitive load. You have to think things through. But still, the concept of “beer and pretzels” play exists for a reason. Go down into a dungeon, kick down doors, kill orcs, take their loot, go back to town. Lather, rinse, repeat. That is submission or abnegation.

    And there are people who want exactly that. They look like challenge seekers sometimes, but they don’t want to work too hard or think too hard. They just want to goof around and enjoy a simple game with clear, straightforward goals.


  • As someone who is on board with people using communication tools:

    Do you think people who would not say “I don’t like where this is going” would be willing to tap the traffic lights? It’s basically still you saying “I don’t like where this is going”, still in full view of everyone. I’m honestly not sure how the communication tools help with speaking up, besides providing a few predefined options for you (“yellow light means this, red means this”) instead of you having to find the words to explain how uncomfortable you are and what you want the solution to be. I’m not trying to tear them down, I’m just honestly curious.

    Might as well out myself and say I’ve never personally needed to use these. But I don’t have to fully comprehend them to support other people doing what makes things healthier and easier for themselves, hence my not understanding while still supporting people using it.

  • I do not agree with a lot of the person’s ideas here, but it was a fun read. And I will give them that

    • Big
    • Snake-like
    • Flight
    • Breathes fire

    is primarily how I’ll visually recognize a dragon. You can differ from this template, but I’ll probably always recognize it as a variant drawing from this.

    And I do also personally dislike dragons shapeshifting, especially into humans, and sorting dragon personality by color, though I could not say why. It’s always interesting to see someone I disagree with have a few opinions that resonate with me.

    Overall, I think this person is very much a fantasy trope traditionalist: stick with the established dragon stereotype and don’t move too far from its spirit; while a lot of people nowadays (including myself) like playing with it much more.