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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 30th, 2023

  • I mean, a little bit. I had to quit weed for a while job and so I was having a glass of wine at a party and a few people made judgemental comments about how I’m “drinking again”.

    Similarly, now that I can smoke again, and as the only one in my extended social circle who can roll a joint that burns properly, I’ll ask the person who brought the gear if they want me to roll joints, spliffs, or a few of each, and how strong, and again there will be one or two people who say “I can’t believe people cut their weed with the tobacco, that’s disgusting”

    But at the same time, those judgy friends would never campaign for alcohol and tobacco to be completely criminalised. They just think weed is much better.

    That said, a few of us were pretty happy to see the 100% vape ban coming into Victoria, not so much from the drug side of it, but I’m sick of seeing “disposable” vapes everywhere and seeing the parking lot bins catch fire almost every day at work because people chuck them out and the batteries explode.

  • Our DM was growing tired and it felt like perfect timing because I had this idea for a short campaign I wanted to try and run, so as a group we decided that we’d do a few weeks of one shots, with a new DM each time so we could all get some experience in a short and casual way.

    Our existing DM offered to do the first because he wanted to try and set up a quick adventure covering some of the things he’d built for a previous campaign that we as a party had just completely skipped past. “it will take us 5 hours” he said.

    That was a year ago. The 5 hour one off is now up to its 40th session, and our “tired” DM keeps finding ways to keep the story going with twists and turns and I no longer believe that he’s bored of DMing.

    But it means I’ve had a full year too flesh out my ideas, so when he really is bored of running sessions, I’m feeling more than ready to give it a go.