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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • All of Israel is stolen land. It’s not fair to equate violence when one group is occupied and one is the occupier.

    Hamas shouldn’t have 9/11’d them, but Israel shouldn’t have stolen all the land from palestinians and cramp them into a ghetto 4 times denser than LA, tell the civilians to evacuate to the other end of the city, then bomb at least 10 times more civilian causalities who were trying to escape.

    With the extreme amounts of lobbying by Israel, I wouldn’t be Surprised Israel has significant control over the west. But that’s besides the point, we’re still giving billions of dollars for colonialism and ethnic cleansing.

    None of this should be a surprise, look at American military policy such as Real Politik. None of Israel’s creation in the Middle East instead of Rwanda was because the west was sympathetic to Jewish struggles. It was a pragmatic choice to create an ally near a center of command closer to the East. Joe Biden himself, decades ago, said if Israel didn’t already exist in the middle east, we would have to make one anyways