Carighan Maconar

The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I was in the same situation last august, also the first time I had to deal with it. All my hugs and condolensces, it totally tore me apart. I have the sister - Pepper - left now (she’s 13), so at least I’m not quite alone, but wow is there a hole in this flat as Chili was always the active one doing all kinds of shenanigans. Missed dearly :'(

    Months later, it’s… okay. I am happy about the time I had with Chili, not sad about the loss. It’s a difficult perspective to take at first, but it’s how I want to remembered, so it’s how I shall remember others, too.

  • Well in my case my two cats did this a lot when they were young. But it just naturally dropped off with age.

    As time passes they get used to always getting their food (fixed times help, tbh, but then in turn they’ll start to wake you when its food time 😂), and just less active in general, and then like now my remaining cat of 13 years looks up when food goes into the bowl, checks that food actually did go into her bowl, then continues snoozing. 😅

    One thing you can try is have 2-3 treats on hand and throw them far into the room for him to run after and dig out while you prepare the food, of course. That’s not exactly changing behavior, just distracting him. But hey, physical exercise, too!

  • Yeah this is sadly based mostly off of the fact that the world is not good right now. There’s a lot of larger-than-life issues, and none where a single person can, without impacting their personal quality of life significantly, make a dent in. And probably not even then.

    This makes a lot of desperate, confused and fearful people very easy targets for a party such as the AfD telling them it’s all just lies, there is no climate change, there is no pandemic, no nothing, and grab easy voters that way so they can push their actual agend, being nazis and getting themselves rich.
    (Because as always they keep lying about how they’re fighting for the common folk, but if you look at what their politicians actually vote, it’s always empowered rich, removing restrictions, easing tax theft, and putting more financial strain on the common workers)

  • I will say that please please do not pay for purebred cats like these.

    Maine Coon in particular are horrendously over-bred, and many struggle with breathing nowadays as a result of this. You’re feeding money into and supporting an industry that is utterly cruel to the very pets you want to care about.

    Go to your local shelter. Give a floofball deserving a caring home that caring home. More than enough pets desperately need a place to stay, you can be that place.

  • Same. Or swapping the water more frequently, for mine it changed massively between replenishing the water once a day and doing it three times a day + using a cleaned bowl each time.

    But getting a fountain is a much better solution, yeah. Alternatively have a decorative fountain, the little bastards prefer drinking those empty, anyways. 😑