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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • That the native cat is also a house cat is irrelevant to the problem. House cats destroy the ecosystem because they eat food you provide after they’ve depopulated the local environment. It doesn’t matter what breed they are.

    Would you let your dog run completely free too? No boundaries, no leash, day or night?

    A responsible cat owner can let their cat outside but do it supervised.

    And if you are not getting your cat from a shelter, you are perpetuating the problem today. It’s not something from 1000 years ago if you bought from a breeder.

  • There is no need to kill the cats.

    Spay and neutering feral cats has become the cultural norm among environmentally conscious youth.

    But the problem isn’t true feral cats. The problem is pet owners who allow their cats to be outdoor cats. Pet cats aren’t subject to normal predator/prey population constraints. They are fed at home and will then kill all native small fauna beyond natural recovery. Because after all small fauna is gone, the cats go inside to eat as much as they want. The environment can never achieve a natural balance.

  • Pet culture in the US was the same as Norway 40 years ago. Cats were primarily outdoor pets allowed to come and go as they pleased. The 1960’s cartoon the Flintstones showed Fred Flintstone throwing the cat outside at night in every episode during the end credits.

    However the modern environmental science has proven the damage domestic cats have on the environment. As such there has been a cultural shift in the younger generations, without any government intervention, to keep cats indoors.

  • Dude, where do you think our food,

    People make products to sell to other people. When we build more homes than we have people to buy, prices go down.

    When there is more capital in the market than things to buy, people put it into investments which raises prices on those investments.

    1946 US wasn’t a post-apocalyptic hellscape because we only had a population of 140 million and 1 million of the most able bodied workers were killed/wounded.

    Your cynicism has overshot so far

    I’m not the one claiming a population decline is a death spiral.

    Japan is still so overcrowded that there are train conductors who jobs is to physically smash the riders into the train because there isn’t enough room.


    It is my opinion that like natural predator-prey-food cycles, when population declines enough that regular people can again afford to have children like they did after WW2 because wages were high and real estate was cheap, population will go up again.