My cat(s) would never forgive me.
OK - I’m lying. They wouldn’t care but my husband would be super offended on their behalf.
My cat(s) would never forgive me.
OK - I’m lying. They wouldn’t care but my husband would be super offended on their behalf.
That was an interesting listen. And sad. I can’t imagine the situation has improved.
Wikipedia mentions that they’ve flipped diplomatic ties with China and Taiwan a couple of times in the past 20 years. Honestly, that seem like a cheap price to pay for some investment.
Oh, but like the radio piece said, “You’ve never heard of it, but once you do it seems to be everywhere.” My grandfather and a couple of his brothers visited (and unsuccessfully tried to stay) in the 1930s. He always described it as a paradise. That was, of course, a long time ago and before the mass destruction. I also wonder if assume I have some unknown Nauruan cousins.
A google of “historicity of Jesus” will turn up some results. The wiki link is one of at least three very similar wiki articles on the topic.
tl/dr - it’s generally accepted that Jesus was a historical person but all that can be confirmed from written accounts is 1) he was baptized and 2) he was crucified.
Of course people can and do question the independent contemporary Jewish (Josephus) or Roman (Tacitus and Pliny) sources, but they seem to be in the minority. Even the less shady version of Josephus’s passage suggests that he was talking about a person who existed.
I don’t have anything to add since I’m not Christian - merely surrounded by Christians. I’ve done a fair bit of reading trying to figure out what’s going on with all that.
When mine wants to cuddle, she has learned to place her paws gently against my skin.
Any movement means claws come out.
It’s very effective.