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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Her dissenting opinion is here. It’s quite thorough, and while reasonable people could disagree on each point (myself included), I didn’t find anything overtly biased in her analysis. Paragraphs 22 - 30 are the bulk of her analysis. Chiefly she cited 3 concerns:

    • without Hamas as a party, she didn’t see how any order could be complied with without Israel unilaterally withdrawing and being forced to accept subsequent attacks
    • most requested orders amounted to “follow IHL”, which Israel is already bound to order or no order
    • she believes SA is conflating Hamas and Palestinian civilians in several key arguments

  • The article doesn’t allege starving, dehydration, or forced labor. Even assuming appalling conditions, with ~500 kcal per day, and accounting for 5-10 lbs of water weight loss due to dehydration, we’d still be talking about a daily calorie deficit of around -3000 kcal. That’s “run a marathon every day” territory. I don’t see how that is physically possible.