Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldA cat entered my tent
    1 month ago

    There was someone in a thread here once who said when he was young he had severe depression and anger issues, and said he used to do stuff like that. He said it literally was that he was so unhappy that he hated seeing other people happy. He was embarrassed about it now, but couldn’t see past it at the time.

  • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldA cat entered my tent
    1 month ago

    I think there are some downvote bots here like there was on Reddit. Not sure what the point is, but I’ve seen some communities where every post starts at negative 1, and others where every comment seems to get a downvote. Not sure what the reasoning is. I think some people just hate the idea of other people being happy.

  • Years ago I was walking through a park area of UC Berkeley while on vacation and this squirrel walked right in front of me and stood there, so I stopped and watched it. I realized I had some food in my backpack and there might be something squirrel-appropriate, so I very slowly took it off and opened it up, hoping the squirrel wouldn’t get scared and run away. I found something - like a grape or something, don’t remember what - and got it out to toss to the squirrel, but when he saw it he ran up my pants leg and stopped at about my waist. Scared the crap out of me. I held out the food and he took it with one hand, stuck it in his mouth, and ran away.

    That’s when I learned that there are apparently tame squirrels all around Berkeley.

  • I agree, it’s scary. I attribute it to parents who tell their kids they shouldn’t do something “because God said so,” and never any other reason. They never try to reason out what’s moral or not, they just memorize the list.

    I have a friend who’s the nicest guy ever. He’s also 6’5" and completely ripped. A lot of years ago, I was telling him about my transition from devout Catholic to atheist, and at one point I told him I realized if you could prove to me there was a god, I wouldn’t live my life differently than if you could prove there was; I have beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong, and I try to behave accordingly, regardless of any deity. That confused him and I didn’t understand his confusion. I finally said, okay, if I proved to you there wasn’t a god, what would you go differently? He thought for a minute, then said, “Well, I might kill someone.”

    There are few times in my life that I’ve been speechless, but that was one. I didn’t know how to move forward from there. I just hope his faith is never shaken.