Cat: Get this thing off me.
Ears forward, eyes half closed, relaxed position… that cat is loving it, and probably purring like a lawnmower.
“Can you believe this shit?”
good eyeroll for a cat
So someone who knows French confirm or deny this for me, but I heard when chat GPT is pronounced in French it sounds like someone is saying “cat I farted” (in French ofc)
chat j’ai pété
I don’t speak French, but I did translate “cat, I farted” into French on Google Translate and had it dictate the result. It sounds a good deal like ChatGPT, especially if you’re primed to listen for it.
EDIT: Or at least it used to. Now, if you translate “cat, I farted” it gives you “Cat, j’ai pété” and pronounces the C as a hard C, like it reads. Maybe it’s deciding that “cat” on its own is the name “Cat,” and thus not in need of translation. If you give it different context you get the expected result, as with translating “I had to tell the cat, I farted” you get back “J’ai dû dire au chat, j’ai pété,” which when pronounced the last bit sounds as expected.
I can confirm.
I think that cat is cheating on its exam.
“h00min, control your spawn or face the consequences. You have already earned a barf in your shoes. Do not test me further.”
cat file.txt
cat /dev/random >file.txt