Actually considering running my favorite one-shot sometime soon. Wondering if I should look around on Lemmy for some players…

    11 months ago

    As one of the perpetrators players I have to issue a correction:

    The supernatural STD was actually fully contained by pure accident. Patient zero ended up in medical care, the party (all of whom caught it) somehow ended up having intercourse with very few people despite their best efforts, and the one other person that did get infected ended up joining the party.

    I’d also point out that the STD had to be invented to explain an absurdly improbable string of crit successes and fails on skill checks that led to a party member getting seduced by someone with so many negative charisma modifiers stacked up that he was less attractive than the ground he was standing on. And then it happened again right afterwards.

    And that wasn’t the only bizarre string of extreme die rolls: The combat-inept party member turning into One Punch Man involved a series of 17 rolls, 14 of which were either crit fails or crit successes. At one point dfyx threw up his arms and said that the punch (a crit, naturally) did an absurd 5d6 damage, which of course came up as all sixes. Then two party members crit failed trying to administer first aid.

    Oh, and dfyx forgot to mention that one other party member one-critted a raging bull with a rapier but that was so mundane compared to the rest of this pile-up of improbability that it’s easy to overlook.

    That one-shot was cursed.