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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • True, though I somewhat doubt the wisdom of expanding the already controversial dual citizenship at this time, when immigration is a currently hot topic that is largely responsible for their gains.

    Either way, this is an absolute farce. Dual citizenship is the most ridiculously undemocratic practice that somehow flies under the radar.

    The biggest issue is getting to vote in two societies, we see very well with Russian and Turkish immigrants what the result of that is: Reactionaries who live in a liberal society voting for authoritarians in their countries of origin; or otherwise furthering their agenda because they get to completely avoid any consequences of their policies.

    Just to clarify: I’m against dual citizenships, not immigration.

  • I can kind of see the angle with turning kids into a commodity that only well situated people can afford (if they can’t or don’t want to have one themselves), as it is now.

    On the other hand, banning the practice is impractical, intruding on personal choices, and most of all, cruel to couples who can’t conceive a child themselves, be it because of infertility or because they are a non-heterosexual couple.

    But then there is also the argument to be made that people should adopt already existing kids instead. Any child that has to grow up in foster care or generally without a loving home is one too many.

    Not sure where i stand on this myself actually. People should be allowed free choice of course, but that inevitably leads to this bias towards the rich.

    No normal or even poor couple, no matter how good parents they would be, could afford or convince a surrogate mother to bear their child. And allowing this to be a privilege for the rich seems mega fucked.

  • Don’t discount them. The fringe right is, as everywhere else on the world, on the rise here in Germany.

    Think qanon levels of delusional, and prone to antidemocratic extremism. The core belief of being a Reichsbürger is that the modern German state is an imperialist construct imposed by the western winners of ww2, and has thus no legitimacy. They consider themselves citizens (Bürger) of the previous german Reich.

    Think of the January insurrection attempt in the u.s., those people weren’t taken seriously before either. Until they marched on the government, one of them prominently wearing a self made shaman outfit.

  • For this to work you have to take on a catholic perspective. For them a marriage isn’t just a legal affirmation of partnership with tax advantages, it is a clearly defined sacrament that is explicitly for a man and a woman. They can’t just change that, it’s a defined fundamental element of the religion.

    This radical change in doctrine (from a catholic perspective) is basically them trying to work around the fixed framework that has no room for interpretation, while still wanting to be more accepting. So they create a second marriage for non heterosexual couples.

    As an atheist I must say this seems like a significant step. The church still has numerous flaws and isn’t for me, but I definitely commend this olive branch.