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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • I just came up with a possibly acceptable middle ground of my own… Puzzle is intended for the players to solve, but if characters have an appropriate high mental stat or characters that roll well on an appropriate skill check would get varying degrees of hints or clues. Maybe? I feel like I’d have to try it to see if I actually like it or not. It feels like a sweet spot compromise, but still requires meta-game problem solving, but I feel like that is unavoidable - you can’t actually think with your characters brain, only your own. At least with current technology, lol.

  • That’s kinda dumb… It leads into why I don’t really like “puzzles” in the traditional sense in TTRPGs… Either it is simply a DC you have to beat in a roll, and that is it, or it requires the player (not the character) to be good at solving puzzles. Otherwise, it isn’t a puzzle, it is just an atypical “lock” requiring an atypical “key” reminiscent of old point-and-click adventure games where you just can’t proceed until you find the McGuffin (some random detail or piece of information that is hidden away that in turn “solves” the puzzle that you could not have hoped to solve without it).

    I’d love to be proven wrong, but I definitely haven’t seen it done well.