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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkGood
    1 month ago

    That should always be the response. It keeps it consistent. It should never be “there are no traps” because it’s a comment on their characters knowledge, which is just that they can’t see any. There’s never a guarantee.

  • Cethin@lemmy.ziptoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkIt's terrifying...
    1 month ago

    Not the guy you’re talking to, but my opinion is the only good shows spend time building their world like that. It shows the world is complex and matters. If you blow past that then your world must either be identical to ours or it isn’t interesting.

    My favorite show I think is Battlestar: Galactica. You have to watch a entire miniseries before it gets into the swing of things; when the episodes start. The viewer needs to be immersed in the world to be able to understand the stakes and actually care about what’s happening, for any world anyone creates that isn’t our own.

  • You have no proof of the claim that this was by design.

    The proof is they hit the fucking Mona Lisa. Everyone knows there’s glass in front. Even if they somehow didn’t know, they would by the time the get up to it and could have changed plans. It wasn’t an accident that glass was “in the way” of the painting. How could anyone think it was?

    You think articles are going to be the big thing but social media is not.

    Everyone writes social media posts, and they go no where. I’m not saying this will cause anything to happen, but it got a lot more eyeballs on it than some tweet would, which would at best be seen by the people looking for that anyway.

    I foresee these places putting up a replica of the paintings and not the paintings anymore. Because there’s far too much risk.

    Lol. What would be the point of going then. The pictures are public domain and viewable online. They only exist to display the real thing, and again nothing was damaged. Hell, the Mona Lisa has been stolen before and it’s still on public display. Why would a little soup on the glass case make them change?

    You seem to not have thought about this at all. Your thinking with emotion or something and not reason. Social media posts don’t get anyone’s attention outside the group that already agrees, these people caused no damage, and museums don’t exist for replicas. Calm down.

  • I don’t see where my argument has anything contingent on damage not being done. Your argument was contingent on damage being done however, and none (besides a little cleanup) was done. If I said protest was only valid if it doesn’t do damage, then I’d need to consider your argument, but it isn’t. I’m perfectly OK with some amount of damage and never said otherwise.

    You’re the one that has to reconsider their position as it was based on damage where there was none. Has your argument changed?

  • I agree with everything in your post except them being assholes. What part of this makes them assholes? Nothing was damaged and no one was hurt or inconvenienced, except for maybe a few museum employees who had to clean up a mess. The whole setup for viewing the Mona Lisa causes far more inconvenience than these people did. It’s a tiny painting in a packed room. You can’t really see it anyway.

  • This was a peaceful protest! No one was hurt and nothing was damaged. It also reached a lot more people than a post on social media would and way more than a picket would.

    You think they don’t do these other things because you don’t hear about them. That’s why they do this. The other methods no one hears about.

    No change has ever happened from purely peaceful protest. If that were effective it wouldn’t be legal.

  • Saying that the painting wasn’t damaged is very shortsighted. What if these places determine that the risk just isn’t worth it. Sure it’s behind bulletproof Glass but not everything is. I really hate it when people assume that the repercussions for their actions are either immediate or they won’t exist.

    They specifically target painting that are behind glass. It wasn’t a mistake that they didn’t damage the painting. It was by design. If it weren’t protected by glass they almost certainly would choose one that is. The point isn’t to cause damage. It’s to get articles written about them. Social media posts won’t get anyone’s attention.